10 Best Ways to Promote your Site
By Tracie Johansen
Posted Friday, October 15, 2004
1. Trade links with other web sites. Go to a search engine and type in words from your keyword list. This way you can find other sites in your target area. Go to each site and find out if the site would complement your site. Send the owner of the web site a request to exchange links.
2. Write a Free eBook and give it away. Or find other Free eBooks and write to the publisher and see if they would be willing to put your ad in their eBook in exchange for promoting it in your eZine. You can put your ad in my eBook free for promoting it in your eZine. Fill out the form here. (http://ipromoteit.com/ebookideasbrandedcover.html)
3. Submit your site to Intomi. Inktomi Search/Submit is the easy way to make your Web content searchable through over 50 Inktomi Search/Web partners, including AOL, MSN, HotBot iWon, Looksmart, About.com, Anzwers, CNET, Overture, NBCi and Corporate Yahoo!.
You can submit your site for just $39.00 instead of paying $199.00 for each one. This is very effective. (http://www.positiontech.com/inktomi/)
4. Pay per click guarantees you hits to your site at a pay for each site view you receive. You can control how much you want to pay for each hit to your site. For more information on how to effectively promote with Pay Per Click search engines, read this article. Send a blank email to: pay-per-click@1001beautytips.com and it will be delivered by autoresponder within a couple of minutes.
5. Get involved in forums. This is a very effective way to get hits to your site and become known as an expert in your field. Be sure to read the other posts and the rules before you post. For a complete list of forums to post to get eBook Ideas listed below.
6. Start your own eZine or Newsletter and promote it on every page of your site and at eZine Directories. You can get a complete list of eZine directories and more in my free eBook - eBook Ideas here: (http://www.ipromoteit.com)
7. Start your own affiliate program and get other people to sell for you. Clickbank offers a simple way to start-up. Go here for more information. (http://hop.clickbank.net/penny)
8. Place ads in Yahoo! Get this Free eBook with tips on how to get 200-400 hits a week using Yahoo! Ads. (http://www.1001beautytips.com/superebooks/YSR.exe)
9. Give a gift for filling out your survey and announce it everywhere. This will also help you to find out what customers want and where they are coming from.
10. Start Joint Ventures with other web site owners.
i.e., Offer to trade a free ad in your eZine for your ad in theirs.
Trade links from your eBook to theirs.
Give them a testimonial about their product for a testimonial about yours. The possibilities are endless.
©2002 Tracie Johansen
About the Author
Tracie Johansen
Free eBook - 900 Free to Use Articles
Free content for your web site, eZine, newsletter or just for your reading enjoyment. A complete list of articles in 45 categories. Choose from over 900 free articles. Every one is available by autoresponder for immediate delivery. (http://www.ipromoteit.com)