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13 Techniques That Boosts The Power Of Your Resource Box!

By Radhika Venkata
Posted Thursday, July 22, 2004

***What is the Resource box?

'Resource box' is an information box about the author of the article.You will see this resource box at the end of the ezine articles.

***Why it is so important?

Hey...It is giving you free advertising.When somebody reads your article, they will see your name and web site link at the end of the article. More chances of inviting visitors to your web site.

When ever your article is published on other web sites, it amazingly increases your link popularity in search engines.You know how the search engines love the web sites with good link popularity.

***So what are techniques that will work for you:

1.Number one rule: *Try not to sell your products through your article resource boxes.*

Use your resource box to build up your opt-in list. If you have an ezine or free ecourse always keep a link for subscriptions.

2.You should also put your web site URL in the resource box.Email links to your ezines won't increase your web site link popularity.

3.Always spell check your name and URL twice before submitting it.Misspelled name with wrong URL...Things won't work in your way.

4.Try to keep single URL in your resource box.If that URL is going to give the reader something FREE like free ebook, free subscriptions you will get good click thru rate with that URL.

5.Keep your resource box short.Like six to eight lines.

6.Don't keep your affiliate links in the resource box. Some how people don't like clicking the affiliate links. Use redirection scripts or services.

7.If you want to keep few lines about your product in your resource box,Always those should be the benefits of your product.People love the benefits not the features of your product.

8.DON'T use hype words like 'Million bucks over night, 50 million visitors...Guaranteed' etc.

9.If you are promoting specific product through your resource box, then link the web page that directly takes the reader to that specific product page.

10.If you want to display the charge for your service, then tell it in the lowest possible value. Instead of '$25.00 per month', you can write it as 'Less than 85 cents a Day!!'

11.Try to put related URL in the resource box.For example if you are writing article on search engine optimization and if you keep a ebook compiler product link, expect low click thru.If you don't have a related product always you will be having your ezine or any other mailing list links for getting subscriptions.

12.Always highlight one or two words in your resource box with Caps,quotations,* signs etc.

13.Last but not least is DON'T forget to keep your resource box before submitting your article.

About The Author
Radhika Venkata - Subscribe to 'EbookBiz Magazine' which is completely focused on ebook business and Internet Marketing. Receive FREE Ebooks with Resale rights every month!
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