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5 Reasons Why You Need Your Own Original Products

By Dan B. Cauthron
Posted Friday, November 12, 2004

Have you noticed yet? The people who are making the most money on the Internet are the ones who are promoting products that they developed. That's not to say there isn't money to be made by way of resale rights and affiliate programs - but the door to the bigtime opens most easily when you have an original product to offer.

If you're serious about building long-term financial security by way of an online business, here are a few reasons why you should begin right away developing your own original product offerings.

Eliminate the Competition

When you have an original product to offer, you will be in control of the pricing and the methods by which your product will be marketed. No one else will have the rights to direct sell your product unless you grant them those rights, or sell the license to them. In other words, you can be the sole source if you wish.

While competition is more than fierce among commission paying affiliate programs and products, your original product will enable you to rise above and eliminate that competition. Your own business can then be built on a firm and stable foundation, and not based on the dictates of others.

Recognition and Credibility

Never can enough be said about the importance of these two factors in terms of building an online business. Would be successful online entrepreneurs are hampered by the fact that the Net itself is an impersonal venue. We seldom if ever get to meet our clients and customers face to face, making it all the more difficult to establish a reputation as a serious and credible business owner.

Those who develop and market their own original products inevitably enjoy an immediate boost in credibility and name recognition. Potential customers are more likely to do business with someone who has proven themself to be knowledgeable and capable within their own business arena.

Silent Salesmen

Your own product can and should include your valid recommendations to related resources for the user's consideration and benefit. Many ebook authors use this method to lead the reader into offers for their other products.

In addition, therein lies one of the secrets to success with commission based affiliate sales. The user/reader will be more inclined to accept and act on your recommendations, since your knowledge and authority on the topic has been demonstrated by your authorship.

Enable Your Own Affiliate Program

Motivating other marketers to sell for you is next to impossible until you have an original product to offer. Yet with an original product release, announced in the right places, you can quickly have dozens, even hundreds of people promoting your product. This tactic alone can take your product into areas of the market that you might logistically be unable to reach by your singular efforts.

Open Inroads for Your Next Product

With one successful product release under your belt, you will find that subsequent new products will be met with acceptance and action on the part of buyers and affiliates as well. Providing your products are of high quality, this effect will compound over time.

So, it's evident that your own original product holds the key to taking your ebusiness to a whole new level. But just how do you go about developing that first product?

That, dear reader, is seed for our next article.

Dan B. Cauthron offers original marketing insights and a 7-Volume eMarketing Library to all new subscribers. Join his list by visiting ( or email © Copyright 2003 - Serenity Marketing Group LLC All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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