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7 Rules for Ezine Ad Success

By Bilal Babic
Posted Thursday, January 13, 2005

True: Ezine advertising is one of the most effective form of advertising available online . . .

The most important thing for every advertiser is to find targeted market for his product. That's exactly what ezines has to offer. A targeted market. There are so many ezines out there covering so many different topics. It's easy to find highly targeted ones to advertise in. With ezine advertising you can reach thousands of targeted potential customers very inexpensively.

Lie: Ezine advertising ALWAYS works . . .

I know you've been told that all you have to do is purchase a solo ad in an ezine, ... and that's it! You'll be several thousands of dollars richer.

No! It doesn't work that way. These days ezine advertising has become so competitive that it's necessary to stand apart from the competition. You'll need to do a lot work to make your ezine advertising strategy works:

Rule # 1: Be Highly Target.

I know this seems to be a quite obvious rule, but some advertisers overlook this. You need to be very careful when choosing an ezines to advertise in. Make sure that you choose an ezines whose readers are your tightly targeted prospects.

Rule # 2: Subscribe to the Ezine Before You Purchase an Ad.

After you've chosen a number of ezines that target your audience, subscribe to them and check a few things before you buy an ad...

=> Quality of the Ezine. It's not the number of subscribers that matters, it's the number of people who actually READ the ezine.

=> How many ads are in the Ezine. Don't expect much response from an ad in an ezine that has 15 or 20 ads per issue. Be sure that your ad will be skiped with the rest.

=> Frequency of the Ezine. The ezine published too often (daily) or too infrequently (monthly) usualy will get deleted much more often than a weekly ezine. Why? Busy readers don't have time to read EVERY issue of a daily publication. Monthly ezines, on the other hand, are not published often enough for the subscribers to "remember" thay even subscribed.

Rule # 3: Track Your Ads.

It is highly important for you to know which ads and which ezines are pulling responses.

You track your ads by simply placing a code at the end of your URL or email adress: (

Rule # 4: Grab the Reader's Attention.

Let's face it. People hate ezine ads like any other ads. They most often are trying to avoid reading your ad. So, in order to get folks respond to your ad, you need to write killer headline that grab people's attention. How to write killer headline... it is a diferent topic. However, make sure your headline addresses reader's needs, desires and worries.

Rule # 5: Deliver on Promise.

Make a promise, and deliver on that promise, so that when people click on your ezine ad and end up at your website, they are not upset. Make sure you always take them directly to further information about your offer, clearly presented. Don't let them get lost in a bunch of other information.

Rule # 6: Don't Try To Sell in Ads.

Don't be fooled into thinking you can place an ezine ad and sales are going to pour in like a flood. There simply isn't enough space in 5-8 lines of a sponsor or a classified ad to write a convincing sales letter.

The purpose of your ezine ads is to generate leads, not sales. Your ezine ad should only attract prospects that You can follow-up on.

Rule # 7: Offer an Attractive Freebie.

Like I said, the purpose of your ezine ads is to generate leads, not sales. And the best way to attract leads is to offer them a valuable freebie they can't resist.

About the Author
Bilal Babic
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