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7 Secrets to Affiliate Success

By David McKenzie
Posted Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Being successful with affiliate programs requires the use of certain techniques. Yet it is surprising how few affiliates are using many of these methods.

Here are 7 secrets to boosting your affiliate commissions each month:

1. Use a variety of text links and personal recommendations. A personal recommendation of an affiliate product can increase your conversion ratios dramatically.

2. Use ezine ads to market your affiliate products. A well placed ezine ad in a popular ezine will bring many sales.

3. Develop an email course and sell your affiliate products via text links in each part of the email course. You can easily set up an email course with autoresponders so that it gets delivered automatically.

4. Spend 75% of your time marketing your affiliate products. A real key to success with affiliate programs is the marketing and the more time you spend marketing the more sales commissions you make.

5. Write your own articles and submit them to article resource sites. You can put a link to one of your affiliate products in the resource box. This can be an incredibly successful method for increasing affiliate commissions.

6. Do not just sell affiliate products direct. Join 2-tier programs and work on getting affiliates signed up under you. You can build an amazingly large passive income stream using this technique effectively.

7. Pick products that sell easily online. For example, ebooks are a naturally good seller on the internet. They are automatic and get delivered virtually immediately.

There is no holy grail to affiliate success but there are tips to increasing your monthly affiliate check. Use these techniques and you too will become a successful affiliate.

About the Author
David McKenzie in an author of an ebook "How To Write Free Articles and Market Them With a 0 dollar Marketing Budget". Visit (


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