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A Hidden Secret to Affiliate Success

By David McKenzie
Posted Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Did you know that many successful affiliates have a 'hidden' secret? Guess what it is?

It is giving personal recommendations of the product they are re-selling. This means giving a product their stamp of approval.

By being totally familiar with the product they can give it their personal recommendation.

Contrast this to most affiliates who take the scatter gun approach promoting dozens of products with very little knowledge on each one. They cannot give each product their personal recommendation because they barely know anything about each product.

By researching the product, using it, learning about the owner and becoming intimately familiar with the product you can give it your personal endorsement.

When potential buyers see that other people like the product themselves then it gives them additional comfort and motivation to make the purchase.

Here are 3 ways you can provide a personal recommendation:

1. By providing a discussion on the product in your newsletter with an affiliate link at the end.

2. By having a clickable text link on your web site. It could simply be "I highly recommend this product."

3. By writing an article about the product you are reselling and including an affiliate link in the resource box at the end of the article.

People will be much more inclined to click on affiliate links if you are providing personal recommendations.

Conversion ratios for affiliate links with personal recommendations are often a lot higher than most other affiliate marketing techniques. I have personally experienced this on my web sites.

To find true affiliate success you need to stand out from the crowd.

I can tell you that most affiliates are not providing personal recommendations for products they are re-selling.

This means if you ARE providing personal recommendations you give yourself a much better chance of increasing your affiliate earnings.

So now you know a secret to affiliate success. Go out and use it!

About the Author
David McKenzie in an author of an ebook "How To Write Free Articles and Market Them With a 0 dollar Marketing Budget". Visit (


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