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A Letter To Ezine Publishers: With Gratitude

By Jo McNamara
Posted Thursday, January 13, 2005

Dear Publishers:

I am writing this letter to thank you for all the hard work and dedication you give to your ezine and to us, your subscribers.

I consider ezines a treasure trove of free, beneficial information. It is from the articles you offer me that I get most of my valuable "how to" information. You must be psychic because you seem to understand exactly what I need to know to cut through the confusion in this fascinating medium called "Internet Marketing."

Some of you dont have many "how to" articles, but instead concentrate on trying to inspire me. You seem to work very hard to make sure I have the right Mental Marketing Mindset. I love your ezine just as much. Athletes must exercise their bodies, but the very best of them also work on having the right attitude to win. The articles you write and the ones you select have helped
to form and shape my attitude so that I can become a winner in the marketing game. Its no coincidence that I feel more like a winner in life as well.

I want to thank you for offering me the opportunity to place a free ad in your ezine every week. You dont have to do this. I particularly like those of you who make me REALLY work on my headlines by only allowing a 2-line ad.

Some of you dont offer free ads and thats okay. Because the content in your newsletter is so good, I just enjoy reading and learning from what you have to offer.

Now...there are some of you who really took to heart the notion that if you publish an ezine you can make a fortune promoting all of your affiliate programs. And it seems thats all you display in your ezine. You dont offer me solid content; you dont give me the tools I need to learn and grow as a Net marketer. Your ezine feels greedy to me. But Im not worried about you because I no longer subscribe to your publication.

And...some of you publish an electronic billboard. It seems like your ezine consists of nothing but ads from subscribers. I dont mind if you publish a regular issue with articles and then a separate one with just ads. I enjoy studying and analyzing the issue with ads. What Im talking about is the fact that your ezine starts with YOUR affiliate programs. In the middle, an article Ive already read in 15 other ezines weeks ago and 25-50 free subscriber ads. They are crowded together like cattle
being herded to market. But Im not worried about you because I no longer subscribe to your publication.

Most of the products Ive bought, I bought from you, Dear Publisher. I will buy from you because weve been together for a while and Ive come to trust you. For the most part, I know that what you are offering is something you believe will help me in my Net marketing efforts. And youre usually right. I now know who is just trying to shove a product down my throat to make a buck. But Im not worried about you because I no longer subscribe to your publication

It was during the tragic events following September 11; I came to realize that you, as publishers, and we, as subscribers, were a community. We pulled together. You suggested we give blood; you gave us information on how we could help. You showed us your hearts; you shared your tears with us.

As publishers of electronic newsletters, you give so much to us. You dedicate much, if not most of your time to give us something very valuable. And you give it to us for free. All you ask in return is that we read what you are offering and hopefully, learn from it. You come into our lives daily, weekly, monthly. Sometimes we subscribers take you for granted. We forget to say "thank you."



A Subscriber

"He who receives a benefit with gratitude repays the first installment on his debt." Marcus Annaeus Seneca

P.S. I have many more installments to make.

About the Author
Jo McNamara lives in Orlando, FL with 8 cats and 1 husband. You may receive other articles written by Jo at: "I wish Id found the Internet Marketing Success Arsenal when I first started out...I would have saved myself countless, wasted hours and more money than I care to think about!" (


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