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"Get Famous (and Rich) by Writing Endorsements"

By Nick Nichols
Posted Saturday, October 23, 2004

Would you like to know a powerful but often misunderstood strategy that is used by some of the most famous and influential marketers of our time?

Endorsing OTHER people's books, how-to programs or Web sites!

Even your competitors'!

Why would you want to endorse other people's products or services?

Because when those other people publish your endorsement they also publish your name, company and URL. In many cases, the URL may be a hotlink to your Web site.

The more hotlinks you have on other people's Web sites, the more relevant your Web site is to search engines like Google.

Relevance = popularity. Popularity = credibility.

This has a compounding effect in that the more your endorsements are published and subsequently indexed by the search engines, the higher and more solid your rankings are likely to be.

Plus, a well-written endorsement can cause people to visit your Web site to "check you out" so to speak. The more endorsements you write that are posted online, the more exposure you'll get.

This could mean going from virtual obscurity to Internet ubiquity (getting your name and URL in lots of meaningful places) in as little as a few weeks.

How to Endorse Other People's Material

When evaluating someone else's material, keep an open mind. Look for the positive aspects rather than the negatives.

Although you shouldn't endorse someone's material unless it has some genuine and meaningful value to you or its target market, it doesn't necessarily have to be the best in its class.

Most books, how-to programs and Web sites have at least a few good nuggets of wisdom, so the object is to help potential buyers see that value (and help the creator directly and yourself indirectly at the same time.)

When writing an endorsement, the key is to be as specific as possible when describing the positive benefits of the other person's material. Don't just say, "Your material is great" without quantifying your reasons for WHY it is great.

How to Submit an Endorsement

Simply send it to the creator of the product or service via email and authorize the person to use it. A subject line like, "Mary, I really like your X," should get the person's attention.

Then say something like, "I just finished reading your book and liked it so much I wrote the following endorsement for you."

When granting permission to use your endorsement politely request a hotlink back to your Web site after your name.

Not everyone will give you a hotlink, but that's okay. The more times your name shows up on other people's Web pages, the more visibility and credibility you will have on the Internet.

How to Get Endorsements of *Your* Product or Service

When you endorse someone's product or service, you pave the way for asking them to reciprocate. But don't ask them directly for an endorsement. Instead, ask them to review what you have without any conditions.

When you send your endorsement, simply say, "By the way, I'd really value your opinion of my X. I'd be happy to send you a review copy." Depending on who the person is and who you are, he or she just might reciprocate.

Getting endorsements is a building process. Start with people who you perceive to be at the same level of success as you are. As you get a few bites, move up the food chain. The more endorsements you have the easier it will be to approach top-level people.

Writing endorsements is a form of networking. Good networkers know they have to give, give, give before they can expect to get something in return. So don't get discouraged. Just keep at it until you succeed.

Would you like your book or how-to program reviewed with the intent of giving you an endorsement? Would you like to review other people's material? Visit: Endorsement

About the Author
Nick Nichols helps consultants, coaches and freelancers get more long-term, high-paying clients in less time, with less effort and frustration than ever before. Click here: to learn how to do this.


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