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Getting the Word Out...Offline

By Jackie Ulmer
Posted Tuesday, October 26, 2004

You've taken your business to the Internet, developed a web site that SELLS and you've automated your sales process. So, where is all of the traffic? How come your hit counter isn't going through the roof, and where are the sales?

Now, it's time to really focus on attracting traffic. And, the key here is "targeted traffic."

You are going to get a crash course in attracting that target market where they spend most of their time.... offline. That's right, no matter how many people are online, they still spend the majority of their time offline, and part of your marketing campaign should be spent finding that offline traffic and getting them to your web site!

The Internet is hot, getting hotter, and the same person that may not pick up the phone to call you about your business, can't wait to check out your web site and see what you are offering.

Here are some proven offline ways to spread the word -

Word of Mouth - This is still the best form of advertising. Tell everyone you know about your new website and ask them to take a look and give you feedback. Over the holidays, when you send out greeting cards, gifts, etc., include a blurb about your new web site and your new Internet business. Have some postcards printed and send them to everyone.

Flyers - This is a low cost way to get traffic to your site and to test the effectiveness of your advertising. Play around with the content on flyers, and then pass these out everywhere. Check on the cost to run a flyer insert in a local, neighborhood paper. Make sure you have a proven, effective flyer first, though.

Networking Events - Check with your local Chamber of Commerce and your newspaper for regular Networking events where business professionals come together. This is a great way to meet some people, advertise your business and get some other ideas. The people that attend these meetings come with a business mindset. Have a thirty second "elevator speech" prepared, designed to tell people what you do, and bring plenty of business cards and flyers.

Business Cards - A well designed business card can spread the news like wild fire, if you get the word out. Develop some "sizzle cards" that contain very little information. Just your web site address, and a catch phrase or slogan, and maybe an appealing graphic. In this case remember, less is definitely more! When you are out and about, hand one to everyone you meet.

Press Releases/Offline Articles - Another very effective, no-cost method of advertising your business and web site. Most newspapers are looking for small "filler" articles that can fit into the white spaces of their newspaper. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Give it a shot. Remember, if the paper prints your release or article, it's almost an implied endorsement in the readers mind!

Advertising - Let's not forget the power of offline advertising for getting those business prospects online! Shop around for specials on running your ad more than once. In advertising, the customer must see your ad as many as 9 times before they will buy.

I hope that gives you some ideas on ways to get the word out while you are Offline. Think about where your business prospects work, play, go to relax, etc. Then, target an offline campaign that will find them and compel them to "Dial Up" and check you out!

About the Author
Jackie Ulmer, a veteran Home Based Business Owner, has coached and trained thousands of representatives both inside and outside of her sales organization. One of her primary goals is to help others succeed. She can be reached through her web site at ( Subscribe to her FREE newsletter by email to


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