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How To Make More Money With Your Payperclick Ads

By John Stafford
Posted Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I know, I know. Sometimes it feels like you are beating your head against the wall trying to make your payperclick ads make money. Like you are throwing your money down a big black hole..

I've been there :) Don't worry though, I'm going to show you 3 ways to make the most of your payperclick ads money so you can waste less cash and get more traffic.

Payperclick Ads Method One: Use your keyword in the listing

You'd think this would be a "no brainer" but every day I see a ton of ads without any keywords in them at all. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your payperclick ads, especially on Overture.

Think about when you search online, what are the first sites you click on? The ones with what you want right? When you include the keyword in your payperclick ads listing, not only will you get your ad approved faster but you'll get more clickthroughs too.

Payperclick Ads Method Two: Sort your visitors

Using this technique you'll see more money out of your payperclick ads right away. How it works is, you mention a price in your ad. This will sort out all the freebie seekers that waste your ad money, clicking on your listings when they have no intention of purchasing.

You'll see a slight decrease in traffic but an increase in sales because you will only attract serious visitors to your payperclick ads. More sales are good aren't they? :)

Payperclick Ads Method Three: Track and Test

Tracking your payperclick ads is vital to your campaigns survival. Most PPCs give you the option to track your keywords, here's how to do it easily. Add a question mark to the end of your URL and a word, whichever one you want like this:


Every clickthrough to that URL will show up in your traffic logs, you can make as many tracking urls as you like. You can also use a tracking service like Nitrostats to get more control over your payperclick ads.


© 2003 by John Stafford

About the Author
Want more PayPerClick Traffic? Learn how I make $7 for every $1 I invest in the PPC Search Engines and how you can too: ==> (


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