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Multiple Streams Of Internet Income

By Simon Longhurst
Posted Saturday, November 6, 2004

Make your website pay…in millions

Although opportunities were rare and far in between during the pre cyber era, Internet has transformed the entire scenario of making money. All you need is inclination, just like thousands of other smart people across the world.

Hey, wait! You think this is another sales gimmick? It’s alright. Most of those who made their billions on the Internet began with the same mindset. But now they are coming forth with their statements…of how they made it big using this simple medium. You just have to surf through the net and you will simply wonder at their entrepreneurial skills and their brave decision to take the first step. Brave because the initial step often takes a lot of courage. Especially when the mindset is attuned to be wary of any offer…no matter how simplistic the concept is or however sure shot its success is.

However, there is not one but innumerable opportunity for those involved in e-commerce to make money on the web. Some of these are listed below:

Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs or MLM is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. Rather than using the customary distribution process that moves from manufacturer to wholesaler and then onto a retailer and finally to the end customer, MLM companies use a network of independent marketers to move the products directly from the manufacturer to the end customer. You can use this prevalent concept to promote your own product or service on the net. Trust me, this chain can really make a difference.

Check out the sites below to see how smart companies are making their network work. (



Selling Info Products

Your company’s core competency could be of real help to select people across the globe. You can transform this into an information product in the form of e-book or ezine, which will guide others in a step-by-step manner. Either you can charge for your information or better still, create a database using information about those who wish to download your product for free. This database can fetch you a decent amount.

Selling services

The best part of Internet is the ability to reach out to millions across the world. If you are a service provider, it could be possible for you to provide this service to someone in the different time zone. For instance, a copywriting studio or a designing studio can work online. There are various sites, which offer such opportunities. Check out or for details.

Selling advertising space

There are various ways to attract traffic. Free downloads, free e-zines or free newsletters will ensue that people will throng to your website. Once you have a decent amount of traffic on your site, you can sell banner space, pop-ups or pop-unders to advertisers. This can become a lucrative income source once you know how to generate and maintain traffic on your site.

Try or if you need more info on this.

Micro Sites

Scores of web businesses sell products on their websites that are directly or indirectly linked with their primary business. You too can identify such products and strike a deal with the manufacturers for selling them on your web store. Even a little percentage in commission can go a long way when the product finds enough buyers.

Masters in e-commerce recommend the above tools since users have honed them over the years, to the best of their advantage. Use them and make your website pay.

To your success!


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The article is an initiative by the author to share useful information with readers to help them in their business endeavors on day-to-day basis.


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