One of The Biggest And Deadliest Mistakes Affiliates Make Online And How "YOU" can Avoid Falling Into The Same Trap!
By David Seitz
Posted Thursday, November 18, 2004
Being the affiliate marketing director for one of the nets most popular affiliate programs I tend to see just about every type of problem an affiliate could run into. One of the biggest problems if not THE biggest problem I see again and again is what we refer to as "Affiliate Gluttony"
And no, were not talking donuts here!
All jokes aside, affiliate gluttony is a very real and serious problem among the affiliate marketing world and you may be surprised to see that your own webpage might fall into the gluttony category. Don't worry though, it's only partially contagious and there is a cure!
So what is affiliate gluttony?
Glad you asked! If you can recognize affiliate gluttony, you can avoid it entirely and increase your affiliate promotion revenue.
Affiliate gluttony is really greed in disguise. It's an "unfocused" attempt at earning multiple income streams. Don't get me wrong "multiple" income streams should be one of your "biggest" goals but trying to create them on ONE website is just asking for failure. No wait... it's BEGGING for it!
I am sure you have seen it plenty of times online. You come across a website while looking for a product or piece of information and you get dumped into gluttony land.
Let's set an example here...
Sally has a website on ebook marketing which promotes "Big Companies Super Duper Ebook Marketing Guide" affiliate program. But hold on a minute, while we are waiting for the page to load ridiculous amounts of needless images we also see that Sally is promoting the "Dandy John's Nuclear Powered Orange Juice Squeezer With Email Attachment Interface" plus don't forget the "Romance or Bust: Hitch Hikers Guide To Finding A Soul Mate On The Open Desert Road In 7 Days or Less" affiliate program and several "hundred" other great bargains that we all have been looking for our entire lives! Wow, everything from fruit baskets to rocket fuel.
Damn, we found the gold mine here! I better call my credit card company right now and request a credit extension because daddy's going to be ordering up a storm today! Sally will be on her way to a tropical paradise by the time I'm done shopping at her site.
S T O P ! ! !
Ok Sally, it's time to wake up! In reality I'd hit my browsers back button faster than you can say: "What's a nuclear powered orange juicer look like?"
How many affiliate ad's do you think you can fit on one webpage? Are you trying to break the record?
This is killing your sales!
Sally has been stricken with a sever case of affiliate gluttony. All is not lost though, with a bit of work, Sally will be able to create several income streams out of her website and all without losing any of her affiliate programs she so enthusiastically promotes.
If you're already stuck in this rather popular ditch it's not hard to dig yourself out. Slowly modify your webpages with a personal touch and you will soon see your click thru rates and sales referrals pleasantly increasing!
Our best advice to Sally is to take each of her most popular affiliate programs and create unique websites for each.
It's not as hard as you think it is. Imagine if Sally bought up and created a 3 to 5 page website that totally focused on promoting "Dandy John's Nuclear Powered Orange Juice Squeezer With Email Attachment Interface" Do you think her sales would increase? You better believe it! Adding pictures, personal testimonials and quick load times will help create a total marketing machine focused on selling one product! When a targeted visitor comes to looking for a juicer they will have nothing interfering with their purchase decision.
Whether you promote software or lawn mowers, if you focus on your target market, you will increase your affiliate referrals.
Sally can immediately put this idea into play with very little out of pocket expense using these resources:
Domains can be purchased dirt cheap at: (
Webservers are very inexpensive and easy to find: ( (
"Targeted" Traffic can also be purchased dirt cheap at: (
Need help with HTML, uploading and graphics? Here is just about everything you would possibly need to create a site: ( ( (
With a little time and patience, you can literally create as many affiliate income streams as you want! Each one should be focused on one specific category or concept to generate the most revenue. When you leave your targeted visitors with fewer purchasing choices and keep them focused on one product, you will create many more affiliate sales.
Remember, a glutton's ugly on the eyes...
About the Author
David Seitz
CEO and President Virtual Imagination Inc. ( "Subscribe to the FREE Award Winning Helping Hand Internet Marketing Newsletter Today For More Great Articles and Tips Just Like This!" (