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By Dr. Bill Nieporte
Posted Friday, November 19, 2004

To succeed as a "affiliate program" marketer you will need to learn one essential skill. It is a skill has nothing to do with SPAM campaigns, posting to FFA pages, or placing FREE Classified Ads. In fact these "marketing" techniques are usually counterproductive. Why? Because they waste valuable time that could be using on more productive efforts.

So what is that ONE essential skill you must master as an affiliate program marketer? It is the art of PRE-SELLING the product(s) you represent. In other words, you need to put people in a "buying mood" before sending them to your affiliate web site. Then--if your affiliate program provides you with an effective online sales presentation--you will notice a huge increase in your monthly commission checks.

This article will introduce you to three simple "preselling" strategies that you can employ IMMEDIATELY to put people in a buying mood.


My mentor Mike Enlow teaches the importance of PROVING yourself before inviting people to join you in some sort of business venture. One of the ways Mike does this is by offering people marketing course called "Online Stealth Marketing." This course gives readers a wealth of material (for free) that thousands have used to double and even triple their home-based income. (If you haven't read this course you should download right now at (

What efforts are you making to prove yourself--to prove the claims you are making about yourself marketing methods, your software product, or whatever it is you are selling?

What are some popular and effective methods for proving your worth? Here's several methods that are being used with great success.

1. Give away a free marketing course or ebook 2. Extend people a free trial download of your software program 3. Provide testimonials from satisfied customers 4. Offer valuable and FREE information

Basically find some ways to "go the extra mile." This will help you potential clients trust you and will put them in a buying mood!


Wouldn't it be great if you could get all the publishers with whom you advertise to endorse your affiliate program? Sure it would! Ezine publishers usually have a positive relationship with their list members. You need to find some ways to capitalize on this relationship.

Your best method--of course--is to enter into a joint venture with them, registering them as an affiliate and earning a "no fuss" residual from their efforts. But what if they are not interested? Is there another method of capitalizing on their relationship with subscribers?


When you purchase an advertisement--especially one with prominent placement in the issue--prepare an ad that seems to come from the publisher. The ad should "imply" that the ezine editor endorses the product.

Here's some examples headlines and texts to get you started:

FREE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS: Get this the exciting free report...

SUBSCRIBER BENEFIT: Download this new FREE ebook available to you as a subscriber to this ezine...

SPECIAL OFFER: Subscribers to this ezine are eligible to download our powerful free report...

Do you see the power here? The ad plays off the relationship the held between the editor and list members. This will put them in a buying mood.

IS IT ETHICAL? Of course each of you will need to answer that question for him/herself. It is also an issue to be addressed by the editor who SHOULD be reviewing all ads for propriety before they are published. Here are some basic rules to keep in mind if you use this strategy.

1) Don't make promises!
2) Provide something for FREE (report, ebook, etc.) 3) Make sure you represent a program of high value (like MMIC)

This is really one of the most powerful strategies you can employ. If done properly, it will help put people in a buying mood and provide you with a significant increase in commissions.


Wouldn't it be great to earn money just for answering and sending your regular/daily email? That's what I'm doing simply by employing an effective use of signature files (SIG File).

What is a SIG File? In essence it is a brief "ad" designed to get the CLICK of those who read your email messages. Most email programs will allow you to automatically include one of these "SIG File" at the end each of your emails.

WARNING: The KISS principle applies here (Keep It Simple Stupid). Don't get carried away by adding TOO MUCH to your sig file. Focus on only one program. Use an attention grabbing headline and keep the message brief and too the point (no more than 6-8 lines).

Does it work? Yes! I've been able to track--on average--2 1/2 sales per month with this technique. With this particular affiliate program that is about $500 in monthly commissions simply for sending and answering emails.

In the increasing competitive arena of Affiliate Program marketing, success seldom comes easy. You can begin to excel above the crowd, however, if you learn some essential marketing skills. Top on the list is the art of putting people in a buying mood!

About the Author
Dr. Bill Nieporte is editor of The Success In Life Newsletter ( and top earner in several Affiliate Programs, including "The Masters of Marketing Inner Circle" where he also serves as a support staff member. Learn more about MMIC at ( - and that you can start using *now* by going to: (


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