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The FASTEST way to get started selling information for HUGE profits.

By Andy Brocklehurst
Posted Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I get a ton of e-mail every month on the subject of selling information, getting started, and whether re-print rights are a good way to get going.

So... It's time to spill the beans and give you the heads-up on how to get into info-preneuring super FAST.

In a moment I'll tell you the NUMBER ONE secret to being a successful info-preneur.

But first a word about affiliate programs, which is something many have leapt onto, only to end up disappointed.

Why you will not make a SERIOUS income from affiliate and referral programs alone.

So many people run into web marketing and start signing up with as many free affiliate programs as possible. This is mistake number one.

Give me a moment and I'll tell you why...

I whole heatedly support the participation in affiliate programs if you are going to use them as a back-end sale, and they fit with your main line of business (don't try to sell a car product from a cookery site, etc).

One thing I will say - you should NOT try to promote any product that you do not personally own. This is because it is vital that you really do feel you can recommend it. You are going to be putting your name, reputation and credibility on the line here.

How one person seriously damaged their earning opportunities...

I know one person who emailed me asking how to limit the damages done because she had promoted something that turned out to be a total scam. If she had purchased and tried the product she would have KNOWN how bad it was. Don't make that mistake - you need to develop life-time customers. Give them bad advice or a bad recommendation and you lose their trust.

Affiliate programs can be a major source of income, but they need to be used properly. Check out the Private members reports on the Inner Room site for advice on how to greatly profit from these programs properly.

The NUMBER ONE secret...

Do you want to know the real secret to being successful at selling information?

In actual fact it's something that's blindingly obvious, but too obvious to get recognized by so many would-be info-preneurs. It is simply...

You need to be a main source.

Let me explain this properly...

When you promote a program that you're an affiliate for and that is your main line of work, you will find that hundreds of other sites are also trying to sell the exact same thing.

Whilst the web is a big place, and newer programs will still have a lot of mileage in them, why work super hard to make someone else rich, and have to keep changing your main product?

It makes far more sense to have a product that only you, or you and just a handful of others are offering.

Not only that but with an exclusive or almost-exclusive product, you can start your own affiliate program and be the one who profits from everyone's efforts.

When you have such a product a number of things occur:

1) Your web traffic increases because people HAVE to visit YOUR site to buy or read about the product.

2) From that traffic you can build YOUR e-zine and also promote other products or opportunities to them.

The killer here is that even if that visitor does not buy your product, they may still buy something you are promoting through an affiliate or referral program. Either way - it's money in your bank.

In the very least it builds your e-zine giving you more opportunities to swap ads with the bigger e-zines, or gives you ad space to sell.

It's a no-lose situation!

And now the good part...

How you can do this WITHOUT having to create your own product!

Obviously if you can create your own product, that's great. But if you either do not have the time, or really don't feel you have the ability to do so then there is an alternative.

You can get the rights to re-print or re-produce someone else's product, sell it and keep all the profits. And often you'll be one of only a few people able to sell that product.

There are several people who have KILLER products available and they are prepared to sell twenty or so licenses to other people so that they can re-produce that product themselves, sell AS MANY AS THEY LIKE, and keep 100 percent of the profits.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I am NOT referring to those STUPID 'info-disk' type deals where hundreds of licenses are sold, they are a rip-off and the only people getting rich from them are the people selling them in the first place.

Instead I'm talking about great products where only a VERY limited number of re-print licenses will ever be sold.

Rights to such products will cost you between $150 and $3000 depending on the product and what is included in the package. You can get some excellent product rights in the lower price bracket if you know where to look.

Below are links to just a few places that offer such product licenses. But please note - these license deals SELL QUICK, so some of these links might be no good even before I publish this article.

If you see something you want to sell and there are less than thirty licenses being sold (DO NOT GO FOR ANYTHING WHERE MORE THAN THAT ARE AVAILABLE), and there are still some licenses available - don't procrastinate. Check out the product and if it's good - grab the rights FAST.

Do not make the mistake I did a little while ago. I was offered the rights to a fantastic package and only 20 licenses were being sold (20 is an IDEAL number). I thought on it for two days and MISSED my opportunity. I was gutted.

Here are just a few places where you'll find some KILLER product license deals...

1) - Terry Dean is selling re-print rights to his book 'Scientific Internet Marketing'. The book sells for $29.95 and the re-print rights for $695.00

2)( 13 licenses left and they're going FAST. This book sells for $17 and you can get the rights for just $197 - now that is an insane offer!

3) ( - We've just launched a special section that deals with the re-print rights of a few products related to various topics. In the pipeline we have a package to do with motoring, and just launched - the reprint rights to 'Product Magic 397'.

4) ( - Various products, mainly marketing based.

Some final tips and advice...

To really set you apart from anyone else selling the same product (even though there should only be a select few), or just to boost sales, you'll probably want to offer some additional bonus items of your own.

As a member of the Inner Room, you'll probably find a bunch of reports that you can clip together, or use one of the many other items you get the full rights to.

If you want to take it further, then here are two other sources.

For a mere $22.95 you can join Larry Dotsons private site over at ( and you'll get several items included that you have the full re-print rights to. These make great bonus items to include with what you are selling.

Also check out ( - for just $10 you can pick up a killer bonus item, or $20 for three!

So now NOTHING is holding you back. Get on the fast track to info-preneuring today!

Ohhh one more thing... If you decide to create your own product and want to know how to create a GUARANTEED winner in less than 4 hours, check out this information: How to create your own hot selling products in under 4 hours that customers will WANT to buy.


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