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The Power of a Story to Market Your Product On the Internet.

By Hans Klein
Posted Thursday, October 28, 2004

How you can create a powerful story to explode your online sales.
Have you ever been pulled into a good story and feel like you have to keep on reading to find out what's going to happen next?

Of course, you have. Attention-grabbing stories are everywhere in our lives. They are in the books we read, the television shows we watch; comedians use them all the time to get their jokes across; politicians use them to persuade millions, and advertisers use them every day to SELL thousands of products every day.

On the internet, stories are a powerful tool to increase conversion rates of your product. Stories allow the reader to visualize why they need your product, and they feel closer to you because you have made them aware of a new choice they have at this moment of their life.

Creating compelling stories requires practice, but when you get the right message across, you will be able to connect with your prospect and then close the sale more often than with emotionless words.

7 powerful story ideas

1. Childhood stories- Growing up comes with many difficulties that we all have to go through, and we can all relate to common moments of our youth.

2. Funny situations- Everyone likes someone with a funny story to tell, and this builds a feeling that this is someone we can trust and like.

3. Nostalgic memories of the past- When people look back at the past, it always seems better than when we actually lived it. People want to remember the things that brought them happy moments in their lives.

4. Embarrassing moments- Whenever one of these stories is told, it grabs our attention because we like to hear stories that shock and interest us.

5. Moments of success- One of the most famous headlines, and one of my favorites, is 'When I started to play the piano, everyone laughed, but when I started to play..' The largest fear of people is not death, but presenting in front of many other people. When you triumph over these fears, people begin to admire you and want to listen to what you have to say.

6. Moments of realization- Tell when you hit rock bottom and how you realized your life had to change. Then tell how your product helped you accomplish a difficult task that you faced when changing your life.

7. How you came up with the idea for your product- If you are struggling with coming up with a story, just create one as to how you came up with your product and why it is so useful.

6 steps to write a story that sells your product.

1. Before you get started, make sure you quickly tell what's in it for the prospect. This is usually done in the form of a headline. By doing this, your customer has an idea as to why he should keep on reading.

2. Tell what you learned from the story. If you want to tell something, you need to have a point to your story. The point of the story should be designed to sell your product later on.

3. Create a transition moment where everything turned around. - The purpose of this in the story is to show how your product (or the information you put into your product) helped you and why it will help the reader.

4. What results do you guarantee your prospect?- Always let you customer visualize what they can achieve. Will they lose 20 pounds? Will they make $2403 dollars? Paint them a picture of how you achieved the results that they can achieve also.

5. Answer objections- Do this by including objections you had during your story. An example would be something like, 'During this time, I was skeptical, but then I realized the product was well-worth the price because...'

6. Call to action with bonuses- Once your story has been told, you need to tell them to purchase your product. Then, to get them excited, throw in some bonuses so they will feel an impulse to buy quickly.

Stories can be used in almost every type of advertisement on the internet. Even if you only use a few lines of one to direct people's attention to go to your webpage, stories can be very effective.

So, if you want to dramatically improve your response rate and sell more products, get writing!


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