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Turn your FREE eZine into a moneymaker, Tip #1

By Terry Telford
Posted Thursday, January 13, 2005

Almost every online business, that's serious about their marketing effort, has their own eZine. Out of the hundreds of thousands of eZines on the net, only a handful make money for their publishers. Does your eZine make you money?

Here is a quick tip to turn your eZine into a moneymaker.

Confirmation message.

When someone subscribes to your eZine, they should receive a confirmation message. Generally, the confirmation message says something like:

Thank you for subscribing to ABC eZine. We're glad to have you onboard. You have subscribed using the following address: Welcome aboard.

If it was not your intention to subscribe, please click the following link to be removed from our subscriber database.

Thanks once again for subscribing.

Owner's name
Company name

It's a nice way to let your new subscriber know that they have been added to your database and that they can easily unsubscribe, but it doesn't make you any money. To make money from your confirmation message, simply add an offer.

Here is a one of the confirmation messages that bpc publishing sends to new subscribers. This one is sent after someone has subscribed to The Marketing Pack Journal, our eZine, from another site.


Thank you for subscribing to The Marketing Pack Journal when you visited ( We're happy to have you onboard!

You will receive your first issue of The Marketing Pack Journal on Monday.

As an extra bonus, you will receive The Oz e-Combo Special Edition on Wednesday.

And, of course, your Subscriber Bonus. You can pick up your FREE subscriber bonus at:

( (This is our home page, the actual subscriber bonus is included in the real confirmation email. To subscribe to The Marketing Pack Journal see the Author's byline box at the end of this article)

If, in the future, you wish to unsubscribe from The Marketing Pack Journal, simply click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any issue.

Your privacy is important to us and your name will not be shared, traded, sold, bartered or in any other way transferred to a third party.

Have a great day,

Terry Telford :)

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This confirmation gets us 1 sale for every 250 confirmations that we send. We also get new partners from the same email.

Let's focus on the sales for just a minute. The PopUp Generator software sells for $34.95. We make one sale each time we send out approximately 250 confirmations. So each confirmation that we send out makes us 17 cents. ($34.95 divided by 250) Instead of waiting for subscribers to make a purchase from our eZine, now we can generate sales right from the minute they subscribe.

Using this system, you make money from your new subscriber right away!

There are countless ways to make money with your eZine. You just need to use a little creativity. In future articles, I'll give you more techniques for turning your FREE eZine into a money-making publication.

Good luck and God Bless.

About the Author
Terry Telford is the founder of bpc publishing and the editor of The Marketing Pack Journal. Learn how you can make a living on the WWW, visit ( Learn how you can increase your sales using effective marketing tips, tricks and techniques. Subscribe to The Marketing Pack Journal at


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