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Use Those Complex Affiliate Programs to Your Advantage

By Karen
Posted Tuesday, November 16, 2004

***Seen This One Yet?***

"Internet Guru Reveals All in This Brand New Explosive Marketing Tool with a KAZILLION FUNCTIONS that promise you Wealth and Happiness in 6 months!"

Dear Mr. Guru..

Do you offer a Short Version of your "KAZILLION FUNCTIONS" Program?

Like may be just Half a Kazillion?

You see I'm still kind of new at this ..and although I don't really mind spending the $69.95 for the Full Kazillion..I just don't know when I'll have time to get through it all in 6 months..let alone get wealth and happiness by then!

Actually, I was just really interested in FUNCTION #117... access to the software that sets up automatic, self generating autoresponders that also slices bread.

My friends and I think that would be a great timesaver and we've all agreed we know lots of people that would love to have that..

Do you have an Affiliate Program just for FUNCTION #117 ?


Busy in Buffalo

Dear Busy,

You bet they do! They just may not think of it in those terms.

This a perfect opportunity for You..the Creative Affiliate Marketer.. to Create an entirely
New Persective on this Overwhelming Program by Focusing on just one aspect of it.

Create a Mini-Page Site critiqueing and Praising that Bread Slicer...

Pull that Bread Slicer apart and put it back together.. this time using Short Snappy Bullets of its Features and Time-Saving Benefits.

Include another set of those Short Snappy Bullets for Actual Suggestions and Ideas that your visitors can take away use Now.

==> Automate your Bread Baking Newletter with this unique Autoresponder that sends Bread Recipies to every new subsciber!

==> Actually Watch Your Bread being Sliced with the Digitally Enhanced Camera Lens...Then send copies to all your friends! (Comes with Automatic "Sig Attacher") get the idea.

*Show* your visitor How he can use this Great & Nifty Individual Product.

Spark his Imagination to Create Something New.. Teach him ways to Get Creative by using this product..

And, if he doesn't buy it
at that moment..he will remember who it was that Fired up his Imagination.

So Make Sure to include a link
=>Subscribe to your Quick & Easy Tips for Bread Slicers.

Or a link for..
=>More Ways To Creatively Use
Your Bread Slicer..
A 3-Part E-course.

==>Turn that E-Course link into a 2-line Ad and shoot it out to every Baking/Recipies/Homemaking/Mommies /Internet Marketers ezine you can find! (Yes..Internet Marketers eat too!)

Cover all the bases at the bottom of your Mini Page with a Link for-

=>Want to See More Nifty Functions at "Kazlillion Functions"? Click Here.

Take the confusion out of these Overwhelming Programs, and there's a much better chance your Visitor will become a Buyer!

And that's a Good Thing!
For Both of You.


I get Overwhelmed easily. I could blame it on age..or an inability to concentrate..or just old fashioned lack of focus. But you know what? I really don't think I'm alone in this.

So use that to Your Advantage and Market Creatively!


If you're looking for Original and Fresh Content Please feel free to use this article/tutorial in your Ezine or Website without any changes and with the resource box included. A courtesy copy of your ezine would be appreciated.

"Get Creative and Do It Differently" Articles are written and published every other Thursday at Creative Affiliates Weekly Newsletter. A Fresh Perspective on Marketing those Affiliate Programs. Subscribe Today

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