9 tips to boost your ezine's profits
By Chris Varsamis
Posted Tuesday, July 6, 2004
There are many ezines out there having a large number of subscribers but they don’t make a sale. The ezine owners wonder why this happens. Unfortunately for them there are specific reasons for this failure .Here is a small list.
1) Content is king
That’s true. You have to provide unique content to distinguish your publication among the others. Your readers in order to click your links they have to read your resources first. If they don’t they will leave.
2) Do not recycle.
This is the easy way for most ezine publishers but leads to nowhere. Using the same articles you can find to hundreds of other ezines is not the key to success. You have to write your own. You must use your personality on the publication. Don’t forget that each person in this world is unique. So are you. You have to use yourself, your character to stand out of the crowd.
3) Patience
Do not expect to start an ezine and have profits in 15 days. It won’t happen. You have to gain your reader’s trust. This does not happen in a month. You have to be patient .You must give it a try from 6 to 12 months and see where it’s going.
4) Recommend NOT sell.
That’s one of the biggest mistakes ezine publishers do. They focus on selling but not on content and they don’t recommend. You have to recommend resources you tested by yourself and guarantee for them. If you recommend something that is a scam your credibility is going to vanish. And then your ezine’s profit potential too.
5) Ask your readers what they want.[b/]
Yes it works. Do a research. Ask them what they like from your ezine and what not. What they would like to read e.t.c. Even if you get 4-5 responses you will have a good idea what to offer in the future.
6) Use Joint ventures.
This is the cutting edge tool of ezine growing. You could use ad swaps or article swaps or many other business deals with other ezine owners and internet marketers. The sky is the limit.
7) Track
Extremely important. You have to track your reader’s behavior. How many times they click on your links, how many times your newsletter is opened. What they read and click a particular link and what they read and they don’t. There are many cheap tracking services on the net.
8) Use command lines.
Do not underestimate this factor. Research has proved that people follow the command lines such as, click here, order now, download now e.t.c. You have to lead your readers and not assuming that they know where to go.
9) Spam check.
You could have your ezine dead in the water if you don’t do this. With so many advanced spam filters out there your ezine could be in 25.000 junk mail boxes. You may be proud of your 25.000 subscribers but you will NEVER have serious profits from your ezine if you don’t spam check your messages. When you purchase an auto responder service, always ask for a spam check feature. And if they don’t have one buy a spam check software.
[b]About the Author
Chris Varsamis is internet marketing consultant and the owner of the online publication (http://www.ezine-affiliate-marketing.com) and offers a free
5-Day e-course how to boost your traffic with real targeted visitors.ezine-affiliate-marketing@Getresponse.com