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"Fighting SPAM!"

By A.T.Rendon
Posted Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Junk email is estimated to have grown about 42% during 2001, with the seemingly non-stop invasion of X-rated email, scam offers from Nigeria, drugs and other such unwanted intrusions.

Analysts predict that the volume of email on the Internet, most of it junk, will grow another 50 percent in 2002.

That is a lot of email!

With estimates that the number of Internet users is nearing the 1 billion mark, the amount of email floating around the Internet will only continue to increase.

The question many people want to ask is, "Are there any sure-fire cures for all this junk email that we receive right now and any more that may appear in the coming years?"

The short answer - Yes.

Make good use of your delete button! :-)

The long answer is - No.

No, there is no 100 percent cure for the spam that plagues us all, X-rated or not. Not even pending federal legislation will make a significant dent on all that junk. But there are several ways to try and alleviate this problem.

Most email programs, including Microsoft's Outlook Express, have custom filtering features that are built into the program but which are, more often than not, very much unused.

The big problem in using ANY email filter system is that they may cause blocking of legitimate email.

Basically, you can set up filters to remove email that comes from a specific email address or set it up to block email which contains certain key words in either the Subject section or in the Body of the message.

Netscape Communicator 4.0 or later also has filtering ability but Netscape Navigator does not. And Eudora 3.0 and above can also filter your email.

Filtering will not eliminate all spam email but it can make your life on the Internet just a bit easier.

Just keep in mind that filters are a constant, ongoing process. Spammers are always changing strategy to keep ahead of the filters or other Spam Blocking software.

There are many popular email management tools to help you combat the problem of SPAM which are free, available for free trial or cost a modest fee.

For a FREE List of SPAM Resources via Auto-Responder, send us a blank email to:

Once you decide how you want to approach this problem, then it is just a matter of keeping tabs on your email and making adjustments to block future changes that spammers might make.

Keeping on top of this will allow you to eliminate the majority of the SPAM that is now finding it's way into your in-box.

About the Author
A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.7 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" Visit us at: (


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