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How to Win Friends - Then Make Money On-line

By Michael J. McGroarty
Posted Saturday, October 16, 2004

Your opt in mailing list is the device you use to make money. Your web site is just a tool to capture E-mail addresses. Actually it's a little more, but your primary focus should be to capture the E-mail address of all who visit.

Therefore, you have to devise a plan that will make people gladly hand over their E-mail address the very first time you encounter them, because you may never cross paths again.

Think about that!

You may never see them again, unless you can get their E-mail address.

Once you have their E-mail address you can send them helpful messages, and invite them to visit specific pages on your web site, where they will see your attention grabbing headline that will lead them into your sales presentation.

Then you make money!

So in reality, what you are actually doing is winning friendships through your helpful E-mail messages. Once you become friends, people will gladly buy from you.

So how do you get somebody to give you their E-mail address?

You bribe them!

Offer the something in return. Something they desperately would like to have. All it takes is a free report of special interest, and a targeted prospect will gladly trade you their E-mail address for that report.

Trust me, this works, and it works well.

With just two very short sentences I get people to give me their addresses every single day! Then I mail to them over and over.

Many of these are people that don't know me, and have never even been to my web site. Yet they still happily hand over their E-mail address.

This is a very powerful strategy that really works well. Get all the details here: (

Remember, it's the little things that bring you Internet success!

Michael J. McGroarty

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