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Use Email More Effective to Market your Product or Service

By Scott F. Geld
Posted Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Email is an excellent marketing tool, but to make the most of it, you need to use it effectively. Here are some tips for effectively using email as a marketing tool.

Don't Ramble

Stick to the point. Keep your messages short and to the point, in the same way you would any marketing communication. Most Email users value their time. Make sure your Email is worth reading.

Remember to Use White Space

Reading long stretches of text is hard on a computer user's eyes. Customers will be turned off if your messages are very text intensive and don't contain any white space. Use the return key on your keyboard to break up the text into reader friendly chunks,


You've heard this one before: Keep it Simple Stupid. Well we know you aren't stupid, but sometimes it's tempting to try and include a complicated chart or spreadsheet in the body of an Email. Often this method is not the best choice for delivery of this kind of information because sometimes formatting can change in transmission. It's always better to save documents of this type in the application that you created them in (Excel, for example), and send them with the Email as an attachment. That way the formatting remains intact and your document is easily read.

Don't Hit That Send Button Too Quickly

Before you send off that marketing Email be sure to read it over. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Is the information you want to get across accurate? Consider the tone of your message. It's easy to be too casual in an Email. Remember you want to make the best impression possible.

If used properly, Email can be a great marketing tool. It's ideal for contacting busy people, or those who are hard to reach due to time zones and work schedules. When time is of the essence, Email can give you a competitive edge. Make sure that it works for you, and not against you!

About the Author
Scott F. Geld is the Marketing Director of, a company providing targeted traffic and leads: (


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