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Are YOU Making Money on the NET?

By Leon van der Linde
Posted Saturday, December 18, 2004

Winning, or Losing?

Are you forking out dollars after dollars, trying to establish a profitable Online Business? Are you making any leeway? Are you just throwing dollars after dollars at so many "guaranteed" offers on the net, and still battle to make some money?

You are not alone! Thousands of us fall into these traps, and we do over and over again. You may think it can be considered as "schooling fees". True, up to an extent. And only if you DO learn from the exercise. How do you change from failure to success? Where DO you start?

Does the system fail you, or do YOU fail the system?

What about having a good and honest look at YOURSELF? Do you have what it takes? Attitude, clear cut goals, written down and checked on a daily basis. Nothing in life is free. What are you prepared to sacrifice for success? How much effort, labor, inconvenience, dedication, consistently BEING at it, persisting all the way? Do you do your BEST? Or, do you do WHATEVER IT TAKES? How strong is your DESIRE? How often is it rekindled?

There ARE a large number of people making money everyday, though. Why should this be such an uphill to master? What is the difference in what THEY do, and what YOU do? Are there really hidden secrets that only those big successful guys have discovered in their time?

If something is too easy, to cheap, it most probably is.

Let's face facts. It is not an easy task. Many people are under the impression that with little effort, and little money, you can build a fortune-generating-cash-machine in no time. I don't want to imply here that you need a lot of money to be successful. What I do say, is you get nothing for nothing, and very little for a dollar! Rather scrape those few available dollars together and invest in a single time-tested and success-proven venture, and give it all your attention.

Instant solutions normally mean instant losses.

The misconception of overnight success with little effort originates most probably from many of the not-so-profitable-options that are thrown at you daily. Many promise extraordinary wealth with little effort from your side involved. They create this false image of an instant nothing-you-have-to-do situation, that will make you rich almost overnight. Many can be recognized almost immediately for the pyramid schemes or other scams that they are, some come pretty well disguised. They hardly ever show you a return on your money. Get-rich-quick usually turns out to be make-someone -else-rich-quick.

It is true, YOU CAN make lots of money on the Internet. But there are also many pitfalls that must be avoided. The actual know-how of being successful comes with effort, research, and massive action. Doesn't sound like it is the preferred environment for your "live-on-the-couch entrepreneur-millionaire", does it?

Free yourself from your self-imposed limitations, fears and dogma.

There are a number of reasons why some people are successful in what they do, where others tend to fail. Instead of trying to put the blame on elsewhere, why not start looking at yourself? We all need to confront our own personal inhibitors. We acquired these over the years from childhood to adolescence, to mature grown-ups. Some of our past experiences have created many limitations we impose on ourselves over the years. We many times lose our dreams on the way when we came to face the realities of the real world.

All successful people have some things in common. They KNOW what they want. Their "dreams" form a clear-cut vision in Technicolor in their minds. They know exactly what to do, when, and why. How did they get to that point? I suggest you read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich". It outlines many of the personal challenges that YOU have to overcome. YOU need the correct mindset, the right attitude first of all.

Do YOU think like a millionaire? Can YOU clearly visualize yourself in that successful position? Then only do you THINK success, ACTION success, and become SUCCESS. Download this e-book for free at ( and INVEST TIME FIRST OF ALL IN YOURSELF.

Next time, I am going to discuss goal setting. The correct way to do it - taught to me by the masters. To subscribe to this series of newsletters, send an email to and put "newsletter subscription" in the subject line. I welcome any criticism, comments, and thoughts on this newsletter as well.

About the Author
Leon van der Linde recently retired from a successful IT carreer spanning 28 years, during which he became a Consultant IT Specialist. His main functions were in Marketing Support and Customer Satisfaction. He has written a number of manuals and articles. He is now actively involved with Online Marketing, and MLM, offline and online. His website is at (


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