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“How To Use Ezine Articles To Promote Any Product, Service, or Affiliate Program You Choose in 5 Easy Steps

By Henri Schauffler
Posted Thursday, November 11, 2004

Do you have a great affiliate program or website all ready to go, waiting for the customers to come? Are your family and friends getting anxious, waiting for your new project to start breaking through? Then be sure to print out this article and follow the step by step plan perfectly...

For years, smart marketers have been using ezine articles to Rake in enormous traffic to any site of their choosing. But many of us have felt it impossible to get into this lucrative marketing area, for varied reasons such as lack of know how or a feeling of uncertainty as to writing ability.

At the end of this article, I'm going to offer you some resources to end the mystery and make this mega marketing strategy as simple as 1-2-3-4-5. But first, let's take a look at how ezine article marketing works.

Ill bet you can't tell me the best way to use ezine articles to promote your offer. Go ahead. Give it your best shot. Out loud. Say it. Whatever comes to mind, just blurt it out.

I'm listening.

You see, most folks don't really understand how to BEST use ezine articles to promote a product or service, or their favorite affiliate program.

They know they are supposed to write an article, include some kind of clever offer in the text or in their resource box, and convince editors to publish their article.

But, there is a *very* clever way to use your article to promote like you've never seen before.

There are five simple steps...

Step 1: Choose the product or service you want to promote. Now, we're not talking about your newsletter -- we're talking about an actual offer you want to present that you'll earn profits from when readers of your article make a purchase.

Step 2: Determine your "useful, but incomplete" approach. I love to use what I have coined as the "useful, but incomplete" approach when using freebies of any kind. (Ezine articles, free eBooks, reports, eCourses, etc.)

What I mean by that is simply this: You provide your reader with "useful" information (something they find of value and are able to actually apply) but make certain that it is "incomplete" in that they can better use the information by making a purchase.

That's "useful, but incomplete." And it works like a charm.

Let me give you an example:

I wanted to promote in a free ezine article. This is a service that offers unlimited autoresponders, tracking and all kinds of other stuff for one low price.

How could I use an ezine article to promote the service?

By writing an article that explains how to benefit from using autoresponders or mailing lists, of course! My article explains different uses of autoresponders and how the reader can profit from implementing the ideas.

And, naturally, they will need an autoresponder service in order to put the ideas into practice, right?

And I just happen to know of a great service they can use. :o)

Step 3: Turn your approach into a tips list or tutorial. Let's use my example again. I decided that I would describe various uses of autoresponders and how the reader can actually profit from them. What kind of tips list or tutorial could I create?

"How to Generate More Subscribers, Sales and Profits With Automated Follow-Up Messages"

"7 Powerful And Profitable Ways To Use Autoresponders To Skyrocket Your Sales and Subscribers!

"Want to Increase Your Online Profits And Leads? Here are 7 Ways to Do It..."

I actually went with the middle title. I wrote my list of the 7 ideas that I wanted to share. And I had the makings of a perfect article to promote an offer.

That's all you need to do. Determine your end result. Decide how to get there with your "useful, but incomplete" approach. And then develop a list, or even a step-by-step tutorial for your article that leads the reader along.

Step 4: Expand on each point to build your content. Here's more of the easy part. Just "fill-in-the-blanks" to complete your article. Write 1-2 short paragraphs for each of your points. Make them good. Provide quality content. The offer you will soon make will see poor results if your information isn't useful.

Light a fire in your readers. Motivate them. Challenge them. Give them such nuggets of gold that they want to keep mining until they hit the mother lode!

Step 5: Put on the finishing touches with the "five pillars." There are five things that you should always do to finish up your ezine article. Don't skip any of them. They are all critical...

A. Polish. Re-read your article. Does it provide information that really is "useful" to the reader? And yet leaves them wanting even more? That's what you want.

B. Promote. Use your resource box to promote your offer. This is why we've written the article, right? Remember step one? It's time to put it into play. Give the reader what they (hopefully) are wanting...a way to maximize the information you gave them.

C. Proof. Don't do this yourself. Have a trusted friend, relative or co-worker check your article for grammatical and typographical errors.

D. Publish. Zip your new article out to your favorite list of publishers. Submit it to the announcement lists and the ezine directories.

E. Profit. If you've covered all the bases that I've mentioned, then profits are almost certain to start coming in when your ezine article is published. You deserve it. Be proud of your accomplishments.

Thats it. Start submitting your article to ezines and article directories and wait for the profits to roll in!


If you would like to automate the lions share of the ezine writing and formatting task, you ought to consider Jimmy Browns fantastic new software release, Ezine Article Creator 2.0

Jimmy collected all the rules, tricks, tactics and strategies that the top ezine article writers in the world use and programmed them into this new software; it will have you writing your own articles in record time... ...even if you think you're not a writer. All you do is answer a series of questions, and click a button and you're done! Its really is that simple...

Heres the link: (

For A *fantastic* piece of software that will blast your article out automatically to over 500 ezines and article directories, you must take a look at Ezine Announcer.

Here's the link: (

About the Author
Henri Schauffler publishes Family Home Business Tips, a fresh and informative newsletter dedicated to supporting people like YOU! If you're looking for family-friendly *best rated* home business opportunities, the latest free and low-cost tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: (


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