Nigerian Scam: Elements, Styles and Cures
By Saqib Ali
Posted Friday, December 10, 2004
This article shall tell you how to shift a business proposal from nigerian scam.
“Nigerian Scam”, “Advanced Fee Fraud”, or “419 (Four-One-Nine)” are various terms for the same offence which starts from a spam and ends at your financial injury or physical death. The scammer entices you to travel abroad for the promised easy millions U.S. dollars. You are trapped for a real business like scam in a way that you can’t afford to report. But still the US secret service has been receiving about 100 telephone calls and 400-500 Nigerian Scam documents daily.
One fine morning you may receive an official letter from “Nigerian Government”, “Central Bank of Nigeria”, “Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation” or “Foreign Company Mobilization Committee of Nigeria” (a recent addition) with a business proposal. It is not a bad deal when you look an opportunity to be the next millionaire.
However, before proceeding further you must know:
1. What are the main elements of a Nigerian Scam?
2. What are some common schemes of Nigerian Scam?
3. What not to do when dealing with a Nigerian?
4. How to fight the Nigerian Crime?
Main Elements of a Nigerian Scam:
The Central Bank of Nigeria ( ) and the United States Secret Service ( ) have reported these main elements of a Nigerian scam:
1. The scammers claim to be some key government functionary.
2. The business proposal desires to move millions of U.S. dollars abroad.
3. They entice you to travel to them.
4. There is always a sense of urgency and secrecy.
5. The message is almost unsolicited with a number of typo mistakes.
6. They may send you documents from the government with fake seals.
7. They shall demand thousands before you ‘may’ get promised millions.
Styles of Nigerian Scam
It is impossible to track all scam styles as they are developing advanced forms day by day. However, a few approaches are listed here:
Transfer of Black Money
The scammer claims to possess millions of ill-gotten U.S. dollars. You can’t ignore him when some security company or even Central Bank of Nigeria sends you verifications. Scammer needs your help to move those millions abroad (in your account) for a 20% to 30% commission. He may demand blank but signed invoices, letter heads and bank account information. He shall demand advanced fee to complete the deal.
Order in Big Quantity
The scammer shall send a few cashier checks for your products to develop mutual confidence. One day you may receive an order for a large quantity of your products from your trusted Nigerian partner. You will read a plausible story for urgency. You can’t afford to lose your business so you ship the products before the cashier check clears. The cashier check is fake this time.
Recently, the missionaries have been targeted by the scammers. They travel to collect donations of millions in U.S. dollars. However, there are reported cases when they were kidnapped for ransom.
Government Contracts
You may receive rewarding offers of government contracts in Nigeria. The local newspaper advertisements may also be shown you to pay advanced fee and security deposits. You will never receive your money back.
Multinational Companies
The scammer may offer you millions dollars to set up multinational companies in Nigeria. You are going to pay nothing from your pocket to own multinational companies. Will you not like to pay some fee in advance to complete the transaction?
Business Offer
The scammer may impersonate as Director/Chairman of some international company; especially oil related. He offers you crude oil or some other commodity at the cheapest prices. The excellent looking business proposal may end in your bankruptcy.
The Waxy Dollars
You may receive an offer to clean millions of waxy dollars. You move to the scammer’s place and find a box full of such dollars. The scammer needs a chemical for which he needs your help (in thousands of dollars of course). You purchase the chemical and clean dollars day and night to find a box of blank papers.
Money in Your Account
You may receive a User Id and password for a bank account opened in your name. You visit the given website to find millions already deposited in your name. You pay processing fee to withdraw millions. When you learn it as a scam, it is too late.
What “Not to Do” when dealing with a Nigerian?
You must be vigilant for all internet business deals. However, when dealing with a Nigerian, never pay anything in upfront, whatever reason may be. Never believe in a cashier check until it is cleared. Never travel to Nigeria or any country else to collect easy money until you get first hand information about the opportunity. Keep in mind that Nigerian government or your own embassy shall not be helpful once you are duped.
What “To Do” once you receive a scam letter
The best method is to delete the message without any response. You can also report to the ISP of the scammer by including full header of the email message in your polite complaint. You can also report to:
1. ( (Us Secret Service)
2. ( (US FBI)
3. ( (Nigerian Government)
4. ( (UK government)
5. ( (A website dealing this scam)
6. ( (A website dealing with internet frauds).
7. ( (Another website).
About the Author
Saqib Ali, Editor "The Homebizine" has just launched ClickNCa$h. You can make $680.33 Today and $1000.00 to $5000.00 every month just by reading emails. Visit ( to start magic.