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Take Charge of Your Future this Summer!

By Ben Marroquin
Posted Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Take Charge of Your Future this Summer is a motivational article that outlines reasons why people should start a home business and what to look for when choosing one.

Everyday, there are hundreds to thousands of people that turn to the Internet in hopes of escaping their current employment situations. They have discovered that the path they have chosen in life is lacking in:

Time: to spend with family, friends, and loved ones. Happiness: with ones life and work. Social Status: Prestige and Respect. Freedom: to Travel and experience different cultures. Financial Rewards: to meet ones needs and wants. Future Retirement: to not burden our families.

Many have been at their jobs for 3, 5, 10, and many more years only to realize their bank accounts have little to show for it. Worse yet, is that the picture remains the same when they envision themselves 5 years from now.

The 9 to 5 business world offers the opportunity to earn a sizeable income, but only for the chosen few! This is the reason that less than 5% of our society is able to comfortably Retire. And most of those 5% is made up of wealthy and influential families. Meaning that they are born into it.

How does this affect You? Well, if You don't already have the right connections OR come from the "right" family, then Your odds of climbing the corporate ladder into the elite circle just about faded to 0%. This shocking revelation should and does serve as a wake up call to many home business starters!

But that is not the only home business driving factor that people are experiencing:

* Many people go online in order to find a product driven home business that will help them ease their pain (physically and/or emotionally).

* Many Home Business opportunity seekers are tired of living paycheck to paycheck. They are beginning to realize the disastrous positions they and their families are in if they become one of the growing number of people that are receiving "pink slips" at work.

* Many are tired of missing out on all the great moments that their children are experiencing... Moments that can never be regained.

* Still others are hurting because of the fact that their children are building stronger bonds with their childcare providers and teachers than with them!

* And others want to work from home in order to be available for their children. To help them through the dangers of peer pressure like: drugs, gangs, sex, violence, and hate groups (to name a few).

It is for these reasons, and many more, that the trend of starting a home businesses is experiencing phenomenal growth. People are realizing that in order to be able to quit their day jobs in 3 to 5 years, they must begin building their own income generating home business right now!

The problem is that many dive in, head first, without taking the time to learn how to swim. Or they become seduced by the endless stream of get- rich-quick hype flooding the Internet and develop a "Las Vegas" Type Mentality.

The first case results in failure because the person lacks the knowledge, tools, and refined skill to succeed. The second case leads to failure because the person has unrealistic expectations and becomes dissatisfied when they discover that they aren't rich in just 3 months. Both cases can lead people to harbor feelings of disappointment, worthlessness, anger, and frustration.

Either case could be avoided by reading, research, and application!

We must become students of our chosen home business by reading books, e-books, and ezines. Other avenues of learning include (but is not limited to) video conference training, teleconferences, and mentoring.

Through research we must learn the techniques, strategies, and philosophy of those that are successful in our industry and emulate them.

All that knowledge gained is knowledge wasted if You don't go out there and take action through application. Do not become a victim of "paralysis by analysis." You must take charge of Your Future through the application of knowledge.

Set goals (long term and short), daily task lists, marketing plans, and follow through!

If you're interested in starting Your own Home Business then here is an overview of what You should look for:

* Market Demand: You must choose a home business that will allow You to provide high-quality in- demand products and/or services to your chosen market sector. If your home business has mass appeal then it is better to focus on a sizeable niche market and "own it." For instance: If you choose to go into the nutrition industry then you should focus on several health illnesses and market the benefits of your products towards your chosen target market. Example: "I'm finally living 90% arthritis pain free... with NO side effects! Yes, now you can say goodbye to all those stomach turning medications and Hello to Nitro FX." Yes, for many savvy professional business people: Niches equals Riches.

* Your Income Potential: One of the greatest benefits of owning Your Home Business is the fact that there are no income ceilings. By choosing a home business that fits the criteria above and that offers a powerful compensation plan (or solid profit margins) You'll have the opportunity to set your own daily, monthly, and yearly income! If you have in demand products with a proven marketing system then the only limits to the amount of money you can earn come from within You. If you want to earn more money then simply work harder and smarter.

* Marketing System: Marketing will make or break Your home business... it's that important. You can offer the greatest products and/or services in the world but without marketing You're bound to fail. But thanks to the Internet, You can now market to mass and/or niche markets with a small budget. Heck, there are even plenty of Free Marketing methods that You can apply that will bring targeted traffic to your site.

* Long Term Outlook: The last thing You'll want to do is build a powerful income generating home business whose products and/or services will be outdated in the near future. Start a home business that will have a "market demand" ten years or more from now. In order to do so, You will have to stay current with events and trends in your chosen market sector. Don't be afraid of getting the opinions of other professional home business people in your industry. Arriving at Your Long Term Outlook is no easy task as there are no absolutes in this field; You'll have to use your mind and heart when coming to your conclusion.

* Home Business Costs: Your chosen home business must be affordable. You must have enough capital to start Your home business on the right foot. You must then be able to afford Your Home Business monthly expenses: Business Costs (i.e. inventory), Marketing Costs, Phone Bill, Internet Access, Equipment Costs, etc. Your costs will depend on Your chosen home business. Thanks to the Internet, if you're serious, You can start a solid home business on a shoestring budget. I recommend that You choose a home business that is related to a field Your passionate about.

With the Jobless rate hitting an 8 year HIGH and the Labor Departments announcement that the economy has lost 48,000 jobs in April, as well as 525,000 jobs in the last 3 months, isn't it time that You Take charge of Your Future this summer by finding, starting, and building a Home Business that You will be proud of!

Wishing You Success,

Ben Marroquin 559-528-9964

About the Author
Ben Marroquin started ( over 2 yrs ago. is designed to offer advanced and current Home Business & Internet Marketing Solutions in order to help You succeed online.


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