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The World's Most Powerful Marketing Tool

By David Geer
Posted Tuesday, January 11, 2005

What marketing skill would you need "to sell sand in the desert?"

It's the same marketing skill top-dog eBiz marketers have in common.

Rudyard Kipling said it best when he wrote:

*Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind.*

The common thread running through money-making web sites: words that sell - or, copywriting.

Yet, many eBiz marketers don't seem to get it. For example, visit:


and enter *copywriting* into the search box. During November, 2002, there were 3,746 searches made for *copywriting*.

Next, enter *make money online* into the search box. During November, 2002, there were 19,127 searches made for *make money online*.

But, trying to make money online, without first being able to write words that sell, is like placing the cart
before the horse.

Imagine a semi truck pulling up Behind a trailer and trying to Push the trailer down a busy highway. Kinda silly, stupid, and dangerous?

Well, no more so than trying to make money online without first discovering how to write copy that sells. How much money you make depends on how well you write for your target market. Good copywriting pulls in sales like a money magnet.

What was it about the last web page you visited that grabbed you right by the nose; then, it compelled you to keep reading to the end?

That's the power of words - that's what turns a prospect into a customer, that's what makes that customer slap down the plastic and buy from you.

That's: The World's Most Powerful Marketing Tool In Action - bar none.

The exciting news here:

Almost anyone can become a good copywriter, even an average person. So, why not start Now by visiting your
favorite search engine and entering *copywriting* into its search box.

And, when you discover a copywriting site you like, subscriber to their ezine, if they offer one.

Yes, you may also have to spend a few bucks - buy a few ebooks about copywriting. How much you spend,
however, isn't the important thing. What really matters here is what you get back from what you've spent - your ROI, Return on Investment.

And, investing in yourself will the best money you'll ever spend.

For instance, you write, test, and then run an ad campain costing you $5,000. That ad pulls $50,000 in sales. Wow, what an inexpensive investment.

By improving your copywriting skills, you're moving youself into the driver's seat - on your exciting journey to Make Money Online.

Remember: the right product - in front of the right people - at the right time - with the right message

About the Author
David Geer publishes Success 4U Marketing Ezine. Its readers get weekly tips and advice from Pro eBiz marketers, helpful web resources, free eBooks and eCources, plus much more. Subscrib now by visiting


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