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Which of these ebooks tempts you the most?

By Michael Hopkins
Posted Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Let's say you've put together a real kick-ass rock group that makes The Ramones sound like a bunch of choir boys!

You've finished polishing off an album-full of rockin' tunes and you're ready to launch your 3-chord wonders on an unsuspecting world.

The problem is, you're still recording in your mom's garage and the only ones who've ever heard you play are the neighbors -- and they called the cops!

So, you log on the Internet in search of information on how to promote your group. Along the way you find two ebooks for sale that are exactly what you're looking for.

The first one is called "Promoting a rock group on the Internet".

The second one is called "How to make your rock group famous using the Internet".

Now, ask yourself, which of these titles would tempt you the most.

I don't know about you, but to my mind the second title is far more appealing.

The first one promises to tell you how to promote your band, but that's all. It describes what the book does very effectively but it doesn't fire the imagination. It sounds a lot like hard work without convincing you that your band will be famous if you read it.

The second title, however, promises exactly what you want. At the end of the day, you don't want to 'promote' your band, you just want to make your band 'famous'. In other words it promises the BENEFITS that you're looking for.

Both titles could be used on the exact same ebook but the second one will be many times more successful than the first because people don't buy features, they buy benefits. I'll say it again: People don't buy features, they buy benefits!

And that rule doesn't just apply to ebook titles - it applies to every single aspect of your marketing and promotion.

Every time you create a title, write a sales letter, create an advertisement, or build a web page keep that rule in mind: "PEOPLE BUY BENEFITS". It's the single most important thing to know in marketing. Understand this point and you will succeed.

To sum up, always keep in mind that the title of your ebook is vitally important to its success.

An ebook with a title that catches the attention of the potential customer and promises a benefit to that customer, will be infinitely easier to sell than an ebook with a 'descriptive' title.

Your title should do all the following:

- It should attract your potential customer's attention.
- It should clearly show what your book is about.
- It should arouse your potential customer's interest and/or curiosity.
- It should promise BENEFITS to the potential customer.

Put yourself in the position of the potential customer. Ask yourself what would attract you in a title. Take a look at other titles that cover the same subject area. Which ones are best? Which are the ones you would most like to buy? Which ones promise the biggest benefits? What is it about these titles that make them better than the others?

Do you know someone else who is interested in the same subject? If so, ask yourself which title would interest him/her. Which title would you feel happy and comfortable telling him/her about?

Finally, keep your title as short as possible and use a sub-title to drive home other benefits. For example, "How to make your rock group famous using the Internet" with the sub-title "The secrets to rock promotion that will have the major labels scrambling to sign you up".

Remember, it doesn't matter what the subject, you can create a sellable ebook in just a few hours. Give it a title that promises BENEFITS to the target market and then TARGET that market, and you're guaranteed to succeed.

Hey Ho! Let's Go!

About the Author
Michael Hopkins is owner of BizzyDays eBook Publications. Visit now to download original FREE ebooks at: ( Download Michael’s highly-acclaimed guide to successful ebook publishing at: (http://selfpublishing-ebooks.htm)


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