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Site Promotion

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Glossary of Search Engine Ranking Terms
[Aug. 11, 2003] Contains an explanation of commonly used terms in the world of search engine positioning. By Sumantra Roy
Hit Counts And Advertising
[Jul. 26, 2003] In theory, you can grow your bottom line without limit with a good advertising campaign. In practice, this is difficult to do, particularly with a new site. You need some solid data about sales and hits before considering advertising. By Bob McElwain
Build Your Own Demographics
[Jul. 26, 2003] While not easy to do, you can learn a good deal about your visitors and subscribers. Here are some suggestions for doing so. The key lies in listening with care to every scrap of input you can gather. By Bob McElwain
Are Your Profits Flat Or Even Dropping?
[May 29, 2003] The continuing cry from most webmasters is, "I need more hits!" Now suppose there seems to be no way to get them. Is it time to close up shop? Or is there a reasonable alternate strategy? By Bob McElwain
Who is making money on the Internet?
[May 16, 2003] We are going to discuss some of the different types of businesses on the net and how they make their money. We will then discuss some basic "internet business models" you can use to make money online as many people still don't understand the concept of these business models. There are only four basic types of companies doing business with any impact in cyberspace today
The Gold Is In Repeat Business
[May 4, 2003] Building a profitable website is all about building repeat business. While more difficult to do online than offline, it's got to happen. Else success will remain elusive. By Bob McElwain
Do Numbers Help?
[Apr. 23, 2003] Data about the Web and the behavior of surfers abounds. Part of this data is often reported with numbers. Such results need to be examined with care. And in the end, they may need to be ignored. By Bob McElwain
10 Effective Ways To Improve Banner Click-Through
[Apr. 22, 2003] Banner advertising is one of the most widely used marketing medium on the Internet. Though banner click-throughs have decreased to less than 1.0% in the past year, it is still possible to achieve reasonably good click-through of 3.0% and above. By Low Chee Wee
Find Advertisers For Your Web Site The Easy Way
[Apr. 20, 2003] When webmasters try to find advertisers who are willing to pay to advertise on their site they are often bitterly disappointed. By Allan Gardyne
Advertising Web Sites Before Completion
[Apr. 17, 2003] You are working on creating a new Web Site. You have the basic layout done and a few of the main pages up. Do you start promoting the site now, or do you wait until it is finished?
Draw More Customers Without Expanding Your Niche
[Mar. 31, 2003] Broadening your niche by adding more products is always a mistake. And doing so often fails to draw additional traffic. The better plan is to interrelate with top non-competitive sites. Then share specific targeted traffic. By Bob McElwain
Beyond Pure Mini-Sites
[Mar. 25, 2003] In simplest form, a mini-site consists entirely of a sales pitch and an order form. For many, however, this is not the best format to use. Skillful advertising is required to draw targeted traffic. The better option for many is a theme site, to which search engines will draw traffic for you. By Bob McElwain
How To Advertise Your Business On Cable TV
[Feb. 19, 2003] Nothing gets the phone ringing and the orders coming in like lots of big media advertising. Newspapers, TV, and major Internet sites reach thousands, even millions, of potential customers around the clock.
10 reasons why businesses fail
[Feb. 17, 2003] An English actor on his deathbed once muttered: "Dying is easy. Comedy is hard."
10 ideas for starting home-based business
[Feb. 15, 2003] Ready to join the pajama set — that is, the millions of people who run businesses out of their homes and can work in their pajamas until noon or later if they feel like it?
Trends in search engine and index submission
[Jan. 4, 2003] In the olds days (1999!), submission was a numbers game. The more sites you could properly submit to, the more traffic you'd get. But as the internet matures, this is rapidly changing.

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