Features |
See how many sites link to you
* Find out the exact ranking of your
website amongst millions out there!
Who is linking to your website?
Query 8 search engines instantly.
Compare your website against your competitors!
for marketing research!

What is link popularity?
Links are
the buttons and underlined text on Web pages that take you to
other pages when you click them. Your Web site's link popularity
is a number of Web pages that contain links to your site.
Why is it important?
The number of links to your site from other sites is key
to the success of your site. The more links there are, the easier
you are to find and the more traffic you will get.
Because good link popularity can dramatically increase traffic
to your web site. Well placed links are an excellent source
of consistent and targeted traffic. And due to recent developments,
they can even generate additional search engine traffic to
your site.
Knowing who links to your site, and increasing the number
of links, is an important part of any web site promotion effort.
This Link Popularity Check service will search Google, AllTheWeb,
MSN, AltaVista, HotBot/Inktomi, Lycos and Alexa Rankings to
determine how many pages on the Internet contain links to
your site. It will also let you know how popular your website
ranks amongst the millions of sites out there! You can then
list other sites to compare your site to and see how you stack
* The second and third URL is optional.
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by adding a link to it on your web site. Thank you!