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Stand Out From The Crowd With Your Logo

By Janeth Duque
Posted Thursday, February 3, 2005

Working as a web designer and web marketer I spend a lot of time everyday looking at websites. One thing that amazes me is the amount of sites that do not have a logo.

A logo is the personality of your business. It should be the first thing someone sees when they come to your site. It should tell about your business, who you are and what you do. You should look at developing a logo as important as developing a name for your site/business.

A logo builds brand awareness. Can you picture At&T, Coke, Ford, Chevrolet without their logos? All of these companies have logos because they know they build brand awareness. And coupled with the logo is a slogan that each company feels separates their product from the pack or that makes it interesting for their current and future customers.

How important is a Slogan? The tissue was first marketed as a "face towel." Sales where not good for many years, but when it was reintroduced as a "throw-a-way" handkerchief it become successful. Their new slogan, "don't put a cold in your pocket," took an old idea and gave it a new success.

How many slogans can we come up with?

"Add some muscle to your site" Geeks On Steroids

"That frosty mug sensation" A\&W ROOT BEER

"A-1 makes hamburgers taste like steak burgers" A-1 STEAK SAUCE

"Ace is the place" ACE HARDWARE STORES

"Plop, plop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is" ALKA-SELTZER

"You\'re in good hands with Allstate" ALLSTATE INSURANCE

"Don\'t leave home without it" AMERICAN EXPRESS

"Reach out and touch some one" (1982) AT\&T

"The Ultimate driving machine" BMW

"The Greatest Show on Earth" BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS

As you are well aware this list could go on for pages but we hope you get the point. All successful companies have some sort of slogan that goes along with their main product in order to make it more enticing for their customers to use it. Don't think you are too small to worry with this as you should always think big and do what other companies have proven works.

Janeth Duque (

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