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Top Ten Ways to Increase Web Sales - Part 1

By Judy Cullins
Posted Tuesday, February 1, 2005

You have only 10 seconds to impress your potential buyer.

Your Web site visitors don't care about you. They care what you can do for them. Give them a reason to buy. If you haven't reaped the sales you deserve apply these ten tips:

1. Write dazzling home-page copy that gives your potential customers a reason to click to your product or service sales letter.

Use hyper-linked benefit driven headlines that lead visitors straight through to a sales letter that includes bulleted benefits of your service or product. "Before I learned this ultimate power technique, my Web sales were flat."

2. Preplan and know your Web site's purpose and audience before you contact a Web Master.

Without knowing your site's clear purpose, your headlines and copy for each product or service will lack clicking power. If your visitors don't get a chance to know why they should use you or your product, they will be confused and leave your Web site.

Before you write much copy, make a list of your benefits and features. Your visitors want to know what their outcomes are for reading your book. Benefits sell. Use this list to create an order-pulling sales letter and headlines.

You must also know your audience before you write a word of Web copy. To preplan your Web site, write out an audience profile. Think of income, age, sex, Internet savvy, how they spend discretionary money.

Make another list of your audience's resistances. Later apply to your sales letter where you put them up, then answer them. If you offer a book, make sure you compel your visitor to go to your sales and order page. Always make it easy for them to buy.

Maybe you are like me, when you visit other professional sites; you often leave wondering what are they selling? What do they want the visitor to do?

3. Sell your products and services through brave, bold, headings.

Headings can ask a pertinent question about you visitors challenges, such as "Are your web sales puny?" Or, "Are you frustrated not being in the career you love? Headings can use a benefit statement such as Quadruple your Success (you name what it is) with one feature it works with, such as the Online Promotion Tool Kit (name your product or service).

4. Use sparkling testimonials from the rich and famous on your home page and all other pages about each product or service you offer.

Place your best testimonial with at least three benefits in it near the top of your home page. Rather than put all testimonials on just one page, sprinkle them generously throughout your site.

An excellent testimonial can become the hyperlink that sends your visitor to your sales message. Even on your order page, include a testimonial at the top of your listing.

One link from a famous coach said, "Save yourself from headaches, disappointments and money down the drain. Read this short eBook on book writing and publishing before you write another word!"

You may already have testimonials on your Web site for your product and service, but do you have them for your ezine, fre.e articles, and teleclasses?

5. Support your home page "Passion Approach" copy with proper links to product sales letters, stories, and service.

Let's say you have a bold heading "Quadruple your Web sales in Four Months with Opt-In Ezine Articles." You can make the whole phrase a hyperlink that with one touch, will lead your visitors where you want them to go--To your sales letter, of course!

Remember your home page must give your visitors a reason to buy. Use these "Marketing Pizzazz" techniques throughout your site. Think right now, what is it I need to act on next to manifest more dollar success on my site?

Part two of this article is available at (

About the Author
Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at ( and over 140 free articles. Email her at


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