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4 Simple Fresh Approaches To Triple Profits!

By S. Kumar
Posted Thursday, September 2, 2004

Ok, You got your Order and gained a customer!

Congratulations! Your marketing efforts have paid off.

What next? Simple. --Leverage it to Maximum!

One of the most ignored factors after a sale is NOT to have a STRATEGY to retain the customer and to maintain sustained customer satisfaction!

Your customer has trusted you and he has bought from you. Now its time to take it to the next level.

...which is "Sustained customer satisfaction"

Sustained customer satisfaction becomes important in every business. More so on the Internet because of three primary reasons.

1. You can sell more back end products to the same customer with his FULL approval.

2. You can promote different affiliate programs to this customer which he will join on your word.

3. To earn his appreciation! His words are worth of gold to your Website. Word of mouth publicity still remains the best promotional method ever discovered.

Most of the time when I purchased online all I received was a " Standard Thank You Letter " cold and impersonal that clearly came across as a Routine Exercise.

Of course I heard from them again when they wanted to promote an affiliate program or a back end product. And this included two known 'Gurus' who never thought of a strategy for -Sustained Customer Satisfaction!

Here is a Strategy That I adopt on my site

* Sustained customer satisfaction Strategy *

-Step 1: I give an unannounced surprise bonus IMMEDIATELY on sale. This puts the customer on a positive frame of mind as more value has been added to his purchase.

-Step 2: A "Personalized" thank you email is send to my customer mentioning the support email Ids and BOLDLY reminding him that he isunder 100% Money Back Guarantee.

He can simply ask for charge back if the product is not up to the standard he expected. ( I am yet to receive a Charge back for the 38 info products on my site! )

-Step 3: Exactly after 4 days I send one more email to him with a simple subject line:
" Customer Name, Just Checking on XXX Product".

Inside I give him one more SURPRISE Gift as well enquire how the product is being useful to him. His suggestions and opinions are invited for further improvement.

-Step 4: After 7 days I send him one more email with a subject line:
" Customer Name, Your valued recommendation".

Inside He will be requested to RECOMMEND 5 of his friends informing them that he has actually BOUGHT from:
( and they are trust worthy. And just for his valuable recommendation he gets one more " QUALITY" Surprise Gift!

Please remember here that this " Recommendation" form is meant only for your customers and this is NOT the usual " Recommendation " form.

*Two Free "Tell-A-Friend" Resources*

1. Here is a Free .cgi script with advanced features that perfectly lets you implement the above strategy. It has an easy to use web interface, self installing, full personalization, change messages at will and many more. You need not be a techie to use it. (

2. You may a get a free " Tell-A-Friend " facility from ( This is a rather simple one but serves the purpose.

*Final Tips on Sustained Customer Satisfaction Strategy*

1. Make sure that your gifts and bonuses are valuable.

2. Write your emails with full emotion and gratitude for the customer to whom you are indebted for that all important sale. After all its because of him our business thrives or survives.

3. COMPLETELY automate your email follow-ups with an Autoresponder. Once you do this all that is left will be to add your customers email ID to your Autoresponder. List of Free Autoresponders can be had from Free autoresponder Lists.

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