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Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet - Part 20 - Your everyday work

By Tasos Vasilopoulos
Posted Saturday, August 21, 2004

This article makes part of a series of 20 articles. The subject of this series is the creation and promotion of a website as a cost-effective method to establish a profitable home based business on the Internet. In my previous article, “Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet – Part 19 – Time to take action – The “Follow-up” method”, I have presented to you the main job of a successful Network Marketer. In this last article of this series I will teach you the tasks of your every day work.

Your everyday work

What will be your regular every-day work in order to keep your business running and producing results?

There are always two parts of our business that we have always to work on:

§ Find new co-workers

§ Convert them to successful Network Marketers

Let’s see who must be the parts of your every-day work:

1. Offer content in your website

· Add pages with useful content & resources
Your tool to ensure a steady stream of new affiliates is your website, so you have to improve the content that you offer. Initially your website will not offering content at all. But, as you get familiar with creation and editing of web pages and also become more experienced in Network Marketing and home based businesses, you must start developing pages with resources for your visitors and your co-workers. You may create some pages with essential knowledge about your company for your affiliates. Or you may add some pages with useful articles about home-based businesses, Network Marketing, Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, website designing and promotion. You can find free articles to use in your website at (, ( and ( If you make a search in Google for “free articles” you will find more resources. Be careful not to use articles that are copyrighted. If you want to use them request the permission of the author first. You can also create a web page with free or low cost advertising resources.

· Update your pages constantly
If you add pages with useful content and you refresh the content of the existing pages, you will make your visitors come back again. Give them the solutions and the knowledge they look for. Give it for free. Give first to prove your worth. Become a resource for your business field – Build trust and your visitors will appreciate your work and will become your customers.

2. Start your own newsletter

Bravenet at ( offers tools to incorporate a newsletter-ezine in your website easily. This way you may establish a stable communication stream with your visitors that will allow you to send them useful info regarding their field of interest. This communication stream will build trust between you and your readers. This trust will be converted to cooperation.

You can add your ezine to websites like Ezinehub at ( that presents to their visitors list of ezines to subscribe to. This way you will increase the number of your subscribers. Keep in mind that Search Engines respect and promote websites with many web pages and websites that refresh their content. For this reason try to change the content of your homepage often (every 15 days at least). This will help your ranking.

3. Your presence on the net - Personal improvement – Be innovative, creative, open to learn

· Subscribe to newsletters
Subscribe to newsletters with content relative to home-based businesses, Network Marketing, Internet Marketing and Search Engines submission and optimisation. This way you will be educated and informed about changes in these fields of your business. Create a separate email address where you will be receiving these newsletters. This way you won’t risk receiving spam in your business email address. Here is a list of good newsletters to subscribe:

§ Advertising and Promotion

o BizWeb2000 – Subscribe at (

o Brent Winters – Subscribe at (

o Dan Janal’s Newsletter - Subscribe at (

o LED Digest - Subscribe at (

o WhatUseek Weecly Engine – (http://www./whatuseek .com)

o Article Express - (

o News – (

§ Search Engines

o Search day – (

o Search Engine Report – (

o SitePro News - Subscribe at (

§ Pay Per Click Search Engines

o Pay Per Click Search Engines – (

§ Webmaster ResourcessEzines

o Directory of Ezine – DOE insder - Subscribe at (

o WEbPro Business – (

o WebPro wews – (

o Webmaster Weekly – (

o Bravenet news – (

§ Network Marketing Resources

o Big Al’s Recruiting nesletter Subscribe at (

· Build a list of your resources on the Internet in order to keep in touch and be averted of changes in your business.

Here is a list of good resources on the Internet to start:

§ Overture – Advertising Center – Tools (
here resides Overture’s “Search Term Suggestion” tool, which accepts a keyword and returns the numbers of searches that have been conducted in Internet for this keyword last month.

§ Resources about Google

o Google Dance - (

o (

o (

o (

§ Forums with news about Search Engines an other resources

§ Free articles

o (

o (

o (

o (

o (

o (

o (

§ Link Exchange

o (

§ Link popularity checkers

o (

o (

o (

o (

o (

§ Search Engines Optimization Procedure

o (

o (

o (

o (

§ Mailing List management – Publish Your Own Newsletter

o (

§ Search Engines

o (

o (

o (

o (

· Whois - (

· Write articles and send them to be published

When you feel ready, write articles about Network Marketing. Include the URL of your website at the end of each article. Take a look at my article “Choose your keywords-1” at ( as an example.

Send them to editors of newsletters who are in search of such stuff for their newsletters.
Here is a list of newsletters or websites that accept articles to be published freely:

§ The Articles Archive at (

§ Expert Magazine at (

§ at (

§ Ezine Trendz at (

§ Go Articles at (

· Write ebooks and give them away for free or sell them

If you have good knowledge and experience in a topic relative to your business, write an ebook. You can find free ebook compilers that will transform the document written in a word processor to an ebook. Give it away for free. People will download it to their computers and will read it. Many of them will visit your website to see what other useful stuff you have to offer to them.

· Be recognized as a specialist

All these tasks will lead you, as time passes, to a remarkable position. You will be recognized as a specialist in your business. It may seems impossible such a perspective right now, but, after reading my ebook so far, I hope you have understood that what I am saying is true and it happens. I do not guess and I do not speculate. Here I present the facts, my knowledge and experience. If you stay long in the business and you keep reading, learning, being educated, then you can evolve to a Network Marketing specialist. People will ask your opinion, will request your help and will trust you. Building trust is another secret in this business. And trust needs time to be built. But, it pays back.

4. Keep building your link popularity

Your link popularity is your main weapon. A strong, focused popularity is essential for your website‘s ranking. And will bring many new coworkers to your group.They are the blood of your business. So, you have to dedicate time in exchanging links of value.

5. Keep supporting your co-workers

Your coworkers are your gold. They will always need to know that you are there for them. Send them an email to encourage them, if you see that they have difficulties. Assign some of your affiliates to them to motivate them. Communicate with them. Try to find new ways to help them. Create FAQ pages for them in your website or To-Do pages. Find new ways to reward them for their efforts. Set targets to stimulate them with prizes. Establish an effective follow-up procedure to make sure that they start properly their home businesses. Visit their websites often making suggestions about the content, the format, and the links. They need it.

6. Be patient – Be persistent – Be focused – Never let disappointment beat you

In this business wins the one that stays in.

If you loose your faith to your self, then you will fail.

Do not let frustration beat you.

We all started from the same position. When I started I didn’t know anything about Network Marketing. Just had a good knowledge of computers and also had created simple web pages with Frontpage. But, I read about Network Marketing. I read about Search Engines. I made many mistakes and I paid for them. I could have been in the position that I am now years ago, if I could avoid these mistakes. Some of my mistakes cannot be undone. But, I always keep going. I make a little step every day. Add a page in my websites. Work my link popularity. Answer letters of my co-workers. I never stop. And results keep coming...

Here ends this series of articles under the title “Achieving financial freedom with Network Marketing on The Internet”. These articles constitute a good part of my 118-pages ebook “Network Marketing on the Internet”. You can obtain a copy of it at ( and get your hands in the Appendices with step by step instructions and tips on every aspect of the creation and publishing of a website, the optimization procedure and the follow-up procedure of your affiliates. I hope this work will help you work efficiently, keep working efficiently and finally get what you deserve for your patience, persistence and focus in your Network Marketing business!

All the best

Tasos Vasilopoulos

About the author:
Tasos Vasilopoulos is a successful Network Marketer on the Internet as Group Leader of SFI Marketing Group. His main method to promote his home business on the Internet is websites properly optimized to obtain a good rank in the listings of the major Search Engines. Get his ebook with an in depth analysis of all the steps of his method and find more resources on proper domain registration, effective website design and search engines optimization in his website at (


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