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Don't Wait to Start Your Marketing Strategy

By Jo Fulkerson
Posted Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Your novel is finished, you’ve had it edited by a professional Editor, and you’ve done the rewrites. What? You haven’t had an editor edit your work yet? This is a must. There are many editors advertising in Writer’s Digest. I have used one in whom I have the utmost confidence – William Greenleaf. His website is ( email Another editing service I have contacted is A-1 Editing Services – ( I) have not used their services as yet, but they did do a 5-page critique and edit for me at no charge so that I could get an idea of their work. I am seriously considering them for my next novel.

Once you have had it edited and done the rewrites, you’re ready to send it off to the publisher (or get it set up as an ebook), and . . . And then what? How are you going to promote and market your newest creation? Any Ideas? Let me strongly recommend a service which I used and with which I have been extremely satisfied. is an email query service headed by Gini Scott. She works up a solid query letter for you, emails it to film producers (for scripts) and agents, as well as book publishers (editors) and book agents. You will be amazed at the response you will get from her emails (they come directly to you from the contacts). This is by far better and easier than looking up the contacts yourself and contacting them each individually. Let me give you a word of warning: Be sure and have your response materials ready. Your script treatment, your manuscript, your bio, your synopsis – all of the materials that these contacts are likely to ask you to send should be prepared, corrected, and in your files ready to send when you begin receiving inquiries.

If you decide to self-publish your work, search all of the information you need to be able to decide where to have the work published. POD publishers, such as iUniverse – ( – Infinity Publishing – ( or email: – 1st Books – ( Trafford Publishing – ( Book Locker – (

All of these are sources I have contacted and find their information worth considering. (For “Sing Me No Sad Songs” I chose Trafford Publishing.)

Whether you find a regular publisher or self-publish your novel, or offer it as an ebook, you’re in for a big shock if you believe you won’t have to promote and market your book yourself. You will have to do the work yourself. And if you thought that getting your book finished and polished was a giant task, you’re going to find out that the work you put into writing your novel was a walk in the park if you don’t get your ducks all in a row to begin your marketing strategy.

Among the various marketing strategies I uncovered and recently began using (I told you that I didn’t plan ahead for my book promotion) are these: Book Crazy Radio has interviews with authors via internet radio every Tuesday. ( for information Brian Jud has two book marketing services which are well worth considering. I am using one of these right now.) He also has an ezine for writers with many promotion tips. Contact for details. has some good book promotion ideas and services.

Other places to find great promotion information are these newsletters: ( ( email: ( email: Book Promotion Newsletter – contact (

Use your search engine to locate other ezines for writers – they are an invaluable source of publicity by using your articles with your signature at the end to direct people to your book.

Don’t wait! At least by the time you send your manuscript to the publisher or get it ready for an ebook, you should be checking ezines for information about marketing. You should gather all the information you can find relating to marketing – look up websites, contact them all and find out what kind of marketing tools are available to you and which ones you want to pursue.

Keep file folders, with all the information you gather, and find some way to keep track of what each file folder contains. Then categorize your folders by subject – Marketing Information, Info on Publishing, Ezines for Promoting, Comments – Reviews – Press Releases, etc. You need to be able to find just what you’re looking for without going through folder after folder looking for it.

The important thing to remember – Don’t wait until you are ready to begin marketing your book to begin collecting information. Be ready to start marketing as soon as your book is finished and ready to be marketed.

In the case of articles, you should write several articles, polish each one to perfection, and then contact or send them to appropriate ezines and newsletters. Send your articles out every week or two and keep sending them out as long as you develop new lists of ezines to submit to. Keep writing new articles which help others to learn from your experiences and put your signature at the end of each article. Your name, a published article or book, website, etc. should be at the end of EVERY article you submit.

Copyright 2004 Jo Fulkerson

About the Author
Jo Fulkerson is a published author, songwriter, poet.
Author of "Sing Me No Sad Songs" Available at (
"Secrets of a Publisher Author" available at (

I think I was born with a pen in my hand - I have been writing poetry, stories, etc., since grade school. Born in Illinois, now living in New Mexico. Married (just before graduating high school) 49 1/2 years. Published first novel at age 69.


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