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From Frustration to Success

By Betty Ann Wilkins
Posted Saturday, August 28, 2004

Did you know that only 5% of all online entrepreneurs are making money? Does that statistic surprise you?

Why do 95% of those attempting an Internet business fail? Most times it is due to frustration. After numerous attempts, spending money, devoting large chunks of time, seeing little or no return, most will give up thinking that they chose the wrong product, service or opportunity. Some will go on to try a new Internet venture just to go through the same thing all over again.

This does not have to be the case. The Internet is still in it's youth with plenty of room for growth. Each and everyone one of us has the potential to make a substantial income from an online business. A business that is truly yours, with no boss looking over your shoulder, no commute, no dress code and no set hours.

So why are only a few becoming successful while the majority fail? The main reason is the frustration of not knowing how to market and promote along with a lack of motivation and determination when the going gets rough.

Have you noticed the number of consultant and mentoring services that offer to help you become successful lately? There is a reason that we are seeing more and more of them. These services have become a necessity for anyone who truly wants to become a success on the Internet.

The days of finding a mentor that has been there and done that, who will gladly take you under their wing to show you what to do, seem to be gone. Discussion boards are full of new entrepreneurs looking for help from some of the successful business men and women on the Internet to no avail. Most of the Professionals are leaving the new entrepreneur with too many missing pieces to the marketing puzzle and leaving them no choice but to go it on their own.

You need to be able to learn from people that have already learned from their successes and failures. These people have developed a keen sense of what works and what doesn't. Even more, they can help you find your way through the maze of marketing to be able to build your online business.

When considering one of these services you want to be sure that you will have access to the successful entrepreneurs since they are the ones that you can learn from. You will want to see solid information, if you see fluff and hype keep on looking. If they have testimonials, check them out. You will be able to make a more informed decision about the service from people that are already using it. Is there a money back guarantee? Do they guarantee your success? If their service is all it is suppose to be they will have no problem making these type of guarantees.

Once you do join one of these services you have to make use of it. All to often I have seen people buy products to help with their business and then never use them to their full extent. You will not get the help you Need and Want if you sit back and do nothing. Apply yourself, use every aspect of the service that you possibly can. Get your money's worth plus some.

Don't let yourself become part of the 95% that fail when you could follow right in the footsteps of some of the successful entrepreneurs that can and will guide you and motivate you while helping you to build your business.

Take the Marketing Challenge, today!

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About the Author
Betty Ann Wilkins, Publisher/Webmaster Featured Writer at World Wide Info Outlet New Business Start-ups - Working from Home Resources, Information & Tons Of Freebies Let us help you to Start Earning from Home Today! (


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