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Go To Work In Your Underpants!

By Neil Moran
Posted Friday, September 3, 2004

A Step-By-Step Guide for creating imaginative order pulling adverts for both on and offline marketing

OK, let's get started!

Rule One - The Headline
The headline is without doubt the most important part of your advert, that big chunky text at the top of your ad, if this doesn't grab their attention then you've lost a potential customer/sale.

The sole function of your headline is to get the readers attention so that they will read the rest offer your offer, right? That's obvious, but pick up any newspaper and take a look at the classified section and look at all those lousy headlines :-

Increase Your Sales Today
Beat Inflation

The above headlines hardly make you want to read on, do they? In fact they'd be lucky to get a second glance.

Let's say, for example, you was trying to promote a book about working from home on the Internet, what would be a good imaginative headline?

Learn How To Work From Home On The Internet

Yawn!...Boring! Not exactly imaginative is it?


Go To Work In Your UNDERPANTS!

Hhmm....No prizes for guessing which headline would get their attention!

Rule Two - The Sub-heading
With the sub-heading you should just give the reader a couple of lines of text to draw them into the main body of your advert, such as:-

Millions of people all over the world are making a fortune working in their underpants! Discover how YOU can do it too.

Now they've just got to read on, I haven't even mentioned the Internet yet, I'm pretty sure they'll want to know what I'm talking about.

Rule Three - The Body Text
The body text of your advert is where you have the chance to 'sell' the reader your product, it's time to make that sale!

This is where a lot of people blow it, instead of concentrating on what benefits the customer can gain from their product or service they just ramble on how good their company or product is.

For example, for the Internet book I could write:-

"I've been marketing on the Internet for over 20 years, last year alone I made over £250,000 from selling just one product..."

So what? Big deal! I'm not interested in how good you are, what can you do for ME, the customer?

Make a list of all the benefits people will get by buying your product and work them into your body text keeping the focus on your reader.

So, for the Internet book we could have:-

Discover the free way to get thousands of people advertising your product and YOU keep all the profit!

Learn how to start your own Internet business for less than the price of a pizza.

How to get your hands on top selling Internet products free.

Get a systematic marketing system that works while you sleep.

Insider secrets to e-mail marketing revealed.

How to TRIPLE your sales using one simple technique that doesn't cost a dime!

How to advertise your product just once and keep on selling it for years to come automatically.

How to build websites which really pull in the money and that take less than an hour to build.
etc. etc.

That's better, now we've got their interest peaked, they are surely intrigued by now, we still need some more body copy to go along with these bullet points, such as:-

Discover how you can earn what you want, when you want without leaving home!

For the first time ever a top Internet marketer teaches you how to stake your claim on the Internet spending little to no money. You don't need any Internet knowledge, business premises or employees, just a home computer and this powerful book. This step-by-step book will teach you how to....

Rule Four - The Coupon / Order Form
The coupon or order form should ALWAYS restate the price and briefly describe what you are selling.

If the price is right for them, they will then read your entire advert before making a buying decision.

Keeping this in mind, it would be WRONG to have the coupon or order form say:-

"Please send me a copy of How To Work In Your Underpants, I enclose a cheque for £14.99 made payable to Joe Bloggs...."

This is wrong because you haven't resold the product, it should look something like this:-

"Yes, I would like the secret inside information on how to make money on the Internet, please send me a copy of the book How To Work In Your Underpants. I enclose a cheque/P.O. (Includes postage and packing) for £14.99 made payable to Joe Bloggs.....etc"

Now anyone who has just scanned your ad and gone straight to the order form will be intrigued enough to read the whole advert!

Don't confuse your customers

You must be very clear as to how much your customer is going to pay, don't confuse them, a confused customer won't buy!

If your product costs £20 plus £5 postage and packing then your order form should say:-

"I enclose a cheque/P.O. for £25 (£20 plus £5 p&p) made payable to Joe Bloggs"

If you do not P&P then you should state this in on your order form:-

"I enclose a cheque/P.O. for £25 (price includes p&p) made payable to Joe Bloggs"

It is common practise to inflate the p&p price in order to deflate the product price, don't go over the top though.

Whenever you see the word 'handling', as in 'post, packing and handling', you know that you are seeing an inflated p&p figure. The word 'handling' can be used to justify any amount of expense if someone queries the fact they have been charged £8 p&p and when they get the product it's got a 50 pence stamp on it.

Rule Five - The Guarantee
You're selling a quality product, right? There shouldn't be any reason why the customer will be unhappy with your product, is there? So you should be able to offer customers a full, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

Don't put any conditions on your guarantee, i.e., "if you're not 100% happy with your product, just return it with it's original packaging for a full refund", with a guarantee like that the customer will think, "Oh, I see, if I actually take it out of the wrapping they won't refund my money! sneaky !#@&*!". Keep it simple and put a time limit on your guarantee:-

"If you're not totally satisfied with the book Go To Work In Your UNDERPANTS! simply return it within 30 days of receipt for a full refund."

Rule Six - Typefaces & Graphics
The purpose of your ad is to get the readers attention, there's no need for fancy typefaces, colours or images (unless it's a picture of your product).

Make it easy for the customer to read, there's no need to give them a headache or eye strain when they read your advert.

Rule Seven - Always 'Close' The Sale
Anyone who's had any kind of training in sales will be able to tell you the importance of closing a sale which is basically a quick run down of the benefits of your product and then asking for the order.

No matter how good your advert is, if you don't close the sale at the end of your advert, that's another potential customer lost! You must evoke some kind of buying action, make them see that they've got nothing to lose by just trying your fantastic product, get that order! i.e.:-

"Order your copy of Go To Work In Your Underpants TODAY and try it out for 3 whole months, if the secrets of Internet success outlined in this incredible book don't work for you just simply return it for a FULL, no questions asked, refund."

Rule Eight - Make It Easy To Order
Offer as many different ways for them to pay as you can, cheque, postal order, credit card, egold, or paypal etc.

Try and offer a FREEPOST address for them to send the money, it's bad enough trying to find an envelope in most households, never mind a stamp.

Make sure it's clear EXACTLY how much they have to pay for your product, including postage and packing, i.e.:-

"I enclose a cheque/P.O. (Includes postage and packing) for £14.99 made payable to..."

Don't expect people to calculate it for themselves.

If you don't have a coupon or order form on your advert, let them know they don't have to write you a letter explaining why they've sent you a cheque in the first place. For a no coupon advert you would write something like:-

"To order your book, write your NAME and ADDRESS on a piece of paper, enclose a cheque/P.O. for £14.99 (includes postage and packing) and send it to Joe Bloggs FREEPOST, 14 Anystreet, Sometown, England."

Rule Nine - Know Your Target Audience & Market
It's very important that you know who your target audience is and that you craft your adverts accordingly.

Don't use long words that most people wouldn't know the meaning of, keep your sentences short, simple, and to the point.

How would your product benefit your target audience? Why should they buy your product? What are it's key features?

Never talk about 'you' in your adverts, the customer only cares about 'themselves' and how your product will enhance THEIR lives.

OK that concludes the rules for crafting order pulling adverts, you may not be able to sell ice to the Eskimos, but you'll at least have a better chance than most!

For the FULL version of this article and an example of how the finished advert will look, visit:-

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