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How To Build an Online Business Part 4

By Terri Seymour
Posted Friday, August 27, 2004

Customer service means different things to different people, but we have to remember the bottom line - treat each and every customer with respect and courtesy ( no matter how difficult they may be).

Simply put, a business is nothing without customers.

Dealing with people can be hard, but we all know we must be courteous and professional. You need to accept the fact that you cannot please everybody. When you come across one of these people you cannot please no matter what you do, deal with them firmly, but
courteously and professionally.

Do not give in to that old adage - The Customer is Always Right. This is definitely not true, but when the customer is wrong, you must handle it properly.

Be as helpful as you can. Offer your expertise, advice and support whenever possible. Learn to understand what your readers/customers want and need. This will help form a strong bond.

If you get the eternally nasty customer who will not be consoled no matter what you do, do not lose control or sink to their level. Remain calm but firm. The customer is not always right no matter how much they think they are. Do not lose control.

Offer gifts/discounts to your customers to show your appreciation.

Send the customer a personalized "Thank you"

Go the extra mile for your customer.

Realy listen to the customer. Talk TO them, not AT them.

You need to actually care about your customer and care about making sure they are satisfied with you and your service and/or product. Do not just think of the customer as another sale.

About the Author
Terri Seymour owns and operates Learn to publish and promote your own ezine.
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