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How To Earn Residual Income The Lazy Way

By Charles Kangethe
Posted Monday, August 23, 2004

I've got a confession to make... what I am about to reveal is the way I started out my Internet Marketing career.

It got me on the right track and it can work for you to.

I still use this technique for earning "Residual Income The Lazy Way" and I recommend it for:

* New Marketers :
This is how to earn a residual income while you learn the ropes of your new chosen career.

* Experienced Marketers :
You will see the potential to create new, powerful income streams to supplement your existing product base.

Step #1 - Find Six Affiliate Programs.

Joining good affiliate programs is the easiest and quickest way to create new, powerful, revenue streams for all marketers.

* Top Ten Tips for working with an affiliate program

1) Choose programs that have a pay plan extending a number of levels down - This builds Leveraged AND Residual Income.

2) Make sure when you direct visitors to your affiliate program, their browser opens a new window. This ensures when they close the affiliate site, your site is still open.

3) Use a cloaked redirect link to the affiliate site to prevent opportunist stripping out of your affiliate id.

4) Using a product like AdGizmo or Shrink My Link, observe Click Through Rates (CTR) on your affiliate links to determine which links pull visitor attention, and therefore which ones you should spend time and effort on.

5) Measure Click Through To Sales ratios to see which programs are delivering bottom line cash. Drop non-sellers and find better performing programs.

6) Use products and services of the affiliate programs you promote. This gives your recommendations a personal stamp of authority.

7) Use a combination of your own ad copy as well as the affiliate program owner's copy. This makes your promotion and campaign stand out from other affiliates.

8) Set deadlines for your expectation of profit on a program. If it does not meet your deadlines, drop it and seek better opportunities or change your marketing techniques.

9) Find winners and promote the programs hard. These programs can make you large residual and leveraged income for very little work.

10) Promote affiliate programs offering complimentary products and services on your web site. For instance, if you run a Sports site - promote programs offering products
with a Sporting theme.

Step #2 - "Residual Income The Lazy Way" - Customisation

Your "Residual Income The Lazy Way" website comes with several customisation options.

This ensures your site is Unique and Different to all other "Residual Income The Lazy Way" websites.

You have the choice of :

* Up to 6 affiliate programs

* A favourite colour scheme

* Graphics that represent the theme of programs you promote

* Website layout to your site

* Ad copy to use on your site.

Step #3 - Set Up A Full Service Hosting Service.

Two of the best Full Service web hosts are 5dollarwebs and Host4Profit.

A small sample of what they provide :

* Easy domain (URL) registration for ""

* Huge disk space so you can host literally thousands of pages and products.

* Large bandwidth allocation so traffic to your website is never a problem

* Unlimited autoresponders to communicate with your visitors

* Shopping carts for your more advanced marketing campaigns

* Excellent affiliate programs

Visit ( and set up a hosting service with one of these providers, using their link on the page.

This is how we keep this service free of charge to you and you must join using links on the page above only.

Step #4 - Send Us Your Customisation Options

Working closely with you, we will build your very own "Residual Income The Lazy Way" website.

We need confirmation of :

Your hosting service details at 5dollarwebs or Host4Profit

Your Choice of:

* Up to 6 affiliate programs

* Colour scheme

* Graphics

* Layout

* Copy requirements

* Autoresponder service for setting up the 10 part e-course, included with the website to help you build your opt-in list.

Step #5 - Delivery Of Your Website

We will hand over your "Residual Income The Lazy Way" website and if required show you:

* How to apply CTR trackers using AdGizmo and Shrink My Link

* How to collect website traffic statistics using

* How to build traffic to your website

* How to build an opt-in list

Step #6 - New and Experienced Marketers - Just Do It

New marketers often find getting started is the hardest part of their new career. This solution gives you breathing space in which you can learn more about your new career and make some money while you learn.

More experienced marketers this solution gives you a unique residual income stream opportunity, with very little maintenance requirements.

Relevant Resources

* Visit and select a hosting service, and order your "Residual Income The Lazy Way" Website today. (

* Full service web hosts and domain registration 5dollarwebs at ( Host4Profit at (

* F'ree web traffic builder Million Dollar Traffic at (

* F'ree web traffic builder and link redirection AdGizmo at (

* Article on how to choose a good affiliate program. (

* Cloak and redirect your affiliate links Shrink My Link at (

This solution is perfect for both New and experienced marketers.

I started out my Internet Marketing career using a similar system and I still use it today.

Getting started is the hardest decision you will have to make. Let me take that difficulty away from you and build you a "Residual Income The Lazy Way" website F'ree of charge today.

About the Author
Charles Kangethe of ( is a leading new wave marketer and a published author from England. The "Simply Easier" brand name is your guarantee of high value, quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.


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