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How to Overcome the 4 Reasons People Dont Buy From You

By Bob Leduc
Posted Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Sales are produced by people. It doesn't matter if you're selling lemonade to tourists or airplanes to governments. Even on the Internet, every sale is the result of a live person or group of people deciding to buy from you. Unfortunately, many decide NOT to buy from you.

Would you like to increase the number of sales you get? It's easier than you think. There are only 4 reasons why people decide not to buy from you. Once you understand the psychology behind each of them you can implement proven strategies to neutralize their impact and get a higher percentage of sales.


People in our modern society rarely buy something because they need it. They buy something because they want it. When prospective customers say, "I don't need your product" they really mean, "I don't want it". How can you can avoid losing these sales? Target your marketing. Promote your business only among people likely to have a strong desire for the benefits provided by your product or service.

EXAMPLE: A network marketer will lose money by advertising a business opportunity in the local newspaper. Most readers aren't interested in a business opportunity. Instead, she can generate a lot of business by advertising in trade magazines, newsletters or ezines read by opportunity seekers.


Consumers and businesses rarely avoid buying something because they don't have (or can't get) the money needed to make the purchase. They avoid buying what you offer because they place a higher priority on spending money for something else.

You can get these sales by making YOUR product or service their priority. What is the most pressing problem you can solve for prospects in your targeted market? Dramatize how they'll feel when your product or service eliminates that problem. Make it so important they'll move your offer to the top of their priority list.

TIP: You can demonstrate a low cost for your product or service by breaking down the price to its lowest time increment. For example, "Enjoy all of this for less than 90 cent a day" (for something priced at $325 a year).


Many people tend to procrastinate after they decide to buy something. As time passes some will forget why your product or service is so important. They'll be distracted by other priorities and forget all about you. You'll lose the business.

You can avoid losing sales because of "no hurry" by rewarding customers for taking immediate action and penalizing those who don't. For example, offer a special discount price or a special bonus for ordering before a deadline.


Most people fear losing something they have more than they desire gaining something they want. This fear causes many people to avoid buying something they really want. They're reluctant to buy because they might not get what they expect from your product or service and they'll lose their money. You have to remove this perceived risk to avoid losing business because of "no trust". Here are 3 way I've found effective for any business...

1. Eliminate the risk with an unconditional money back guarantee.

2. Provide reassurance with testimonials from satisfied customers.

3. Increase your credibility by allowing customers to communicate directly with you. For example, give them your direct phone number. You'll only get calls from serious prospects who want the reassurance of dealing with a real person.

There are only 4 reasons why people decide not to buy from you. You can increase your sales and profits by understanding the thinking behind each reason and implementing proven strategies to neutralize their impact.

About the Author
Bob Leduc retired from a 30 year career of recruiting sales personnel and developing sales leads. He is now a Sales Consultant. Bob recently wrote a manual for small business owners titled "How to Build Your Small Business Fast With Simple Postcards" and several other publications to help small businesses grow and prosper. For more information...
Email: Subject: "Postcards".
Phone: (702) 658-1707 (After 10 AM Pacific time)
Or write: Bob Leduc, PO Box 33628, Las Vegas, NV 89133


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