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How You can use MAGIC Words to EXPLODE your PROFITS

By Chuck Crawley
Posted Friday, August 27, 2004

Are you using MAGIC words in your Online Marketing Campaigns?

What magic words? You say.

Well, let's examine how this can work for you.

Webster defines Magic as...

"the use of various techniques, as spells, charms, etc., that presumably assure human control of
supernatural powers; any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm or power."

Man, that says it all!

If you are to succeed Online you MUST be able to "assure human control" in your ads, web page
content and sales letters.

Effective marketing in any arena has to take control of your target audience in order to pull in the sales. After all, that's the name of the game. Although you will not be *casting* spells, you must take control of your audience's attention.

The Internet, on the other hand, is the new marketing media where the power of the written word is *King*. The spells and charms that you cast must be in the form of POWERFUL words and
phrases. The magic is in the words that you use and how you use them.

"What's in this for me?"

This is the question that you must always answer in your advertising content. Satisfy this question
up-front and you'll be on your way to stardom (that's money in bank). Accomplish this task by using the MAGIC words to *link* audience into your ads, webpage content and sales letters.

So what are these magic words anyway?

Actually it's really two magic words.

"YOU" and "YOURS"

You are the most important person involved in this article. The word "you" is why I am writing this
article. Use it in your headlines, ad copy, web page content and sales letters. Using these magic words will help you to get your audience *involved* in your marketing materials. These magic words really *speak* to the inner being of your audience and put them at ease.

As simple as this may seem, these Magic words are often omitted from much of the marketing materials that I see *flowing* around the Net.

A couple of days ago I was browsing though the AOL classifieds and you wouldn't believe what I
discovered! Of the first 100 ads that I scanned, only 23 contained the Magic words in the headlines. That's only 23%!

Did I see your ad in that listing?

Have you checked your headlines lately?

Here's a few examples of the ad headlines that I saw in the AOL classifieds and how I would use the *MAGIC* words to improve them.

As Listed:

Cash in on E-commerce Now!

Could be:

How YOU can Cash in on E-Commerce Now!
As Listed:

How to find U-N-C-L-A-I-M-E-D $$$.

Could be

How You can find U-N-C-L-A-I-M-E-D $$$
As Listed:

Make money giving away FREE stuff!

Could be

You can Make money giving away FREE stuff!

Man, I wish I had the time to test the results of these changes!

So if you're wondering why your ad headlines, ad copy, web page content or sales letters are not
working, then just maybe you're not "making use of the various techniques that presumably assure human control."

Use the MAGIC words often in your marketing materials and...


Can drive your response rates though the roof!

About the Author
This article was written by Chuck Crawley. The Webmaster of the "KILLER ADS SITE" and Editor of the ADS T hat P ull L ike C razy Newsletter. (
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