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Is This The Year You Launch Your eBook?

By Susan Dunn,MA
Posted Friday, August 27, 2004

Does it seem like everyone has an eBook and it's time you did.

Certainly you have unique and valuable things to say. If it seems daunting, here are some tips to make the task more manageable for you. There's lots of help out there! Start now and you can have your own eBook written and launched within 6-8 weeks.

1. First of all, don't necessarily call it an eBook!

People have certain things in mind when they see "e-book" which immediately limit their thinking. For one thing, according to Angela Adair-Hoy, co-owner of, the "magical price point" for e-books is only $8.95. You might get more money, and money comparable to its value by naming it something else.

2. Call it a "course."

It's a matter of formatting. Instead of "chapters," you have "lessons" or "modules." People are accustomed to paying more for instructional material than for books. For instance, I sell my EQ Foundation Course©, with 12 modules, for $199 . It includes interactivity, a workbook, and feedback from me.

3. Make it a "special report," a "manual," or a "white paper."

These sell well in the business world, as they smack of expertise, proprietary information, and "the latest." A "special report" from the security industry can run $900 or more. Jack Zufelt sells a "Special Breakthrough Report" about why self help books don't work for $79. I sell my "How to Get to Present on a Cruise" ( ) for $79, as it contains specific proprietary, names and addresses and other information it would take you years to find yourself in this secretive industry. I have done it, so I know how to.

4. Consider getting professional help with the writing.

What's important is your thoughts and knowledge, not your grammar. Working with a professional eBook firm can greatly accelerate the process and improve the quality.

5. Do the 'detail' work such as getting the ISBN number, the EAN bar code, and the CIP (catalogue-In-Publication) indexing data.

Save yourself some time by contracting this service. It will be a lot quicker.

6. Research Book Clubs and Book Awards sites and be ready to submit your book for consideration.

You can contract a firm to do this for you and save yourself a lot of time in research, writing the piece, and then submitting it.

7. Consider buying software to produce the book.

One source is ( For a more personalized look, work with an eBook coach or firm that can design you a unique cover using professional graphics. Professional photographs can cost from $79 upwards, but are a not costly in terms of returned-value. Appearance goes to value. Yes, it matters. We did one client's eBook covers and presentation and her sales doubled the next month. For putting your eBook into pdf format, here is a source: ( Adobe also offers one and you can have a free trial for 3 eBooks. ( .

To see some custom-designed eBook covers, go here: ( .

Compare these with some of the small, blurred and difficult to-read images you've seen on some eBook covers.

8. Set up a special website to promote your book. Use a good sales letter (here's one source: ( ), pay attention to metatags, get those keywords into the "copy," and submit your website to search engines; don't make them come looking.

9. Write book reviews and submit them online. ( is one site that accepts them.

10. Work with colleagues to cross-promote.

You interview them about their eBook, they interview you about yours; you submit the articles.

You link to my website, I'll link to yours.
I'll write a book review about your book, if you'll write one about mine.

Let's write articles referencing one another's eBooks.

About the Author
©Susan Dunn, Webstrategies, International. We help people like you write and launch their eBooks in 6-8 weeks every day. Our services include editing, co-writing, or ghost-writing; ISBN and other codes; submission of 5 book reviews; 10 promotional articles; submission to 5 eBook sites; national and international press releases; link exchanges; a premier book cover; and everything else you need with fast turnaround. Call 210-496-0678 for information on different packages. Email us for FREE marketing eZine, put "checklist" for subject line. For more tips, see SPECIAL REPORT, "How to Write an eBook and Sell It On the Internet" - ( .


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