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M.L.M. Means...

By Andre Best
Posted Friday, August 20, 2004

M.L.M. Means... Many Lives Mourned

I'm a Canadian living in the United States for the last nine years. This is where I've called home for my family and where my three sons were born. And although I am not a homegrown American I was deeply affected by the terrorist events that transpired in the World Trade Center/Pentagon/ Pennysylvania area.

What struck me most about these events was the utter senselessness of it all. To me, any loss of lives in an incident like that is absolutely senseless. I don't care what someone's 'reason' for doing something is.

That doesn't give them permission.

I believe the incidents occurring at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon will be recorded in the history books as one of America's pivotal watershed moments.

Think about it.

Multiple thousands of innocent lives ended during a one-hour period of time. A loss of this magnitude has not occurred for a long, long time on American soil.

Essentially the entire world, at least the global traveling population for the time-being, has been impacted by this event. What country in the world that uses air transportation will ever be able to again see their flying iron behemoths as just another alternative method of quickly getting from point A to point B? I doubt that world air travel on a global scale will ever be the same again.

Now is a loss of this magnitude unprecedented? Of course not.

Almost 500,000 Americans die from smoking related illness every year. About 60,000 of those who die are not even smokers, they die from second-hand smoke. Tens of thousands more are murdered from acts of violence and from accidents involving moving vehicles and accidents in the home. Every year.

Year after year.

I saw an investigative report on television recently that revealed that a country in the Southern Hemisphere (the name of the country escapes me) is having a civil war that has caused an estimated loss of lives in the millions during the past several years.

Millions of lives.

And is this front-page news in America? No.

And why not? Because it's happening somewhere else. It's not 'home territory' to Americans. But this is not an 'American mind-set thing' mind you. So don't think that only Americans are a bunch of myopic (short-sighted) folks.

HUMANS are a bunch of myopic folks.

We're only thinking of our own and ourselves so generally what goes on in the rest of the world goes on, for the most part, unnoticed.

Now I'll step off my soapbox and get into the depth of this insight and how it relates to you and your MLM business.


M.L.M. Means... Mighty Lesson Made

I still have the need to go to a J.O.B. to earn a living. I'm not where most of us want to be and why we start this whole deal in craziness with our main program. At least not yet.

My work happens to cause me to be working for the local municipal government in a high-rise downtown. I'm on the street side of the building, on the fourth floor.

During the last two weeks I found that I left the building at the end of the day very disturbed internally. This occurred each week to the point where I found myself getting very emotional and just having to release feelings in order to function properly. These days that didn't seem like the 'me' that I am.

I realized that we had a bomb scare about one block away from my office several days after the World Trade Center/Pentagon incident, but that wasn't what seemed to be continually eating away at me.

It took me over a week to figure it out but I finally did.

Of course it had to relate to the incident at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, but it seemed that this was impacting me on a somewhat individually personal basis.

You see, the part of all of this that really affected me was that all of those people, those innocent people, were just minding their own business. They were doing what most of us do. They were working for a living. They were earning a living. They were supporting themselves and their families and loved ones. They were contributing to the American economy and paying taxes like everyone does.

They went to work that day just like any other day. Another day at the J.O.B.

I know there were visitors in the building, but they too were probably mostly in the building conducting business for an offsite business they worked for. I'm assuming most of this, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Regardless. These folks were just sitting there and working. I realized that that too was what I was doing every day in my office cubicle up there on the fourth floor of that municipal office building.

I was doing what I've been doing most of my adult life so far, working for someone else and going to the daily drudgery of my office work and eking out a living to support my family and my other commitments. I too was going to work and minding my own business.

Each day I found myself going to work I found myself thinking "what would happen if this were MY last day on this planet. What would I have for MY family?"

I found myself thinking, "sure I'm working on my biz, and sure I'm working on my prospecting but what am I really doing to make it all come together. Am I doing all that I really can do in the time allotted to make it all work for me? Am I getting closer to seeing what it is I started all this stuff for?"

I continued to think like that and I kept thinking of all those unfortunate folks who didn't have say in what was going to happen to them. The decision that ended their lives so abruptly was not theirs to make.

What I'm getting at here is for you to begin to ask yourself exactly what it is that you are hoping to get out of your MLM biz. What is it that caused you to pick up your torch and join the Freedom call to self-employment in your home based biz? What was it that made you say,
"I'm doing this. This is going to work for me because I'm going to work it"?

What is it for you that keeps you in the game?

I think I know.


Freedom of choice.

Freedom of lifestyle.

Freedom of income.

Freedom to be.

Freedom to travel, work and/or play when you want.

Freedom to make your day your way.

Freedom....whatever and all that it means to you.

No matter how you slice it that is why we all join this deal.

I know, I know we want to believe it's the money. But what's the money
for? To do what we want when we want. There's that freedom-to-do stuff. Again.

Isn't that what we're being led to believe that those folks in New York and the Pentagon died because of? Freedom?

The Freedom that America represents to her people and inhabitants?

The freedom to choose.

The freedom to make OUR lives what we want to when we're ready to pick up the torch.

The freedom to create OUR futures as we see them and doing it with whatever means we see fit and true.

Freedom in every sense of the word.

And I ask you... Isn't that what networking is all about?


Freedom from the ties that bind.

Freedom from the work collar.

Freedom from the rat-race.

Freedom from having to do whatever someone tells you to do every day.

Freedom from having a boss.

Freedom from having someone else decide your future.

All that stuff.


M.L.M. Means... Make Life Meaningful

Let's now cross the borders of the world and relate this to the whole concept of networking. Networking is not just an American thing. It's a global thing. I'd bet that most every country in the world has the freedom of network marketing available to them.

Since you're reading this eReport I'd bet that you have it available to you where you live.

Network marketing is freedom for people around the world. It's not an American thing. Americans don't have exclusive rights to freedom in MLM. Anyone who chooses to accept the MLM torch-carrying has the opportunity to create their freedom.

THAT is what MLM is all about. No matter how you slice it.

No matter how you go about building your business and how long it takes you to do it. MLM is about Freedom. And this is an inalienable right for those who choose to work this business.

When you're successful in MLM, when you're a heavy, you'll be free in every sense of the word. Regardless of where you live, what language is your primary one, what deal you're working, or what wares you're hocking. You'll be free.

Think about it.

Think about what you have to offer people who are still going to their nine to five or seven to seven. Think about what you have to offer all those office-bound cubicle workers who don't know that there is a way out of the trench they've unknowingly dug for themselves.

Think about what kind of an impact you could have on this insidious evil that seems to exist in the world and is hell- bent on fighting a war based on combating the effects of Freedom. If you're in MLM, wherever you are on this planet, you are a part of this battle for Freedom.

By default YOU are for it. Others are against it.

Since you chose to pick up the baton and run with it by joining your deal, wouldn't it be great to pass it off to someone who chooses to run this race with you? Someone willing to take that baton from you and run with it all the way to THEIR finish line?

All the way to Freedom...

Whatever THAT translates into for them?

Would it feel great for you to be that person who gives this incredible gift of MLM to that person and forever change their life for the better and free them from the work-for-a- living shackles?

Think about it.

Think what you can do if you just continue to remember, on a daily basis, what MLM is all about and what the backbone of it is...

...MLM is BUILT on freedom.

THAT'S the spark that ignites the fire in each of our hearts. That's the glowing ember that you see in the eyes of a beginning networker.

And that can be YOUR cause with all this. Do your part to fulfill what it is that got you into this stuff in the first place.

There are so many people out there in the world who don't know what networking has to truly offer them. They are the ones that shouldn't get lost in the shuffle and not be given the chance to bring themselves home to their families and loved ones with a truly possible way to make that happen.

MLM is that vehicle that can make that happen for them. But you're the
driver of your vehicle and it's up to you to ensure that you reduce the many lives missed during past MLM'ers prospecting efforts by at least one.

Every so often bring one more person into the world of MLM. Bring them to the world of possible, plausible personal Freedom. Show them that this is what MLM offers the average worker-bee.

Regardless of the country that person resides in. And regardless of whether that person works in an office building, a factory, a kitchen, a medical center, a cornfield, or a potato farm.

When you joined your deal you picked up the Freedom torch, some time ago, if not recently. Pass the baton to those prospects you meet.

Let them find out what freedom is all about. And why YOU won't let the spirit behind all those lives brutally taken from this world at the World Trade Center/Pentagon/ Pennsylvania area fade from anyone's memory any time soon.

Good luck.

I hope this insight was helpful with your business efforts.

About the Author
Andre Best is the owner of ( - a generic MLM resource site offering over 400 printed pages of unique information for struggling and beginning MLM/network marketers.


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