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One Home Business with Everything You Need To Succeed With You're Online Business

By Michel Richer
Posted Saturday, November 6, 2004

Are you getting more and more frustrated with the Internet marketing scene...If you're like most Internet users...your email inbox is bombarded with get-rich-quick schemes., but nothing's working ...and now you're wondering if anyone out there will ever really help you, or if they're all just trying to take money from you!

Let's face it, we would all like more hours in the day... more time to enjoy with the kids, more time on the golf course... even more time with the spouse!

But at the moment your Internet business seems to be taking up more and more time, without the fabulous rewards you keep hearing about, right?

I know you're trying to hang in there because people are obviously making fortunes... but you're getting near the end of your patience, right?

Let me ask you a question...

Which situation makes more sense...

Buying more and more ebooks you'll never read, helping to line the pockets of various Internet marketers without making any money for yourself...


Concentrating on one website where everything is made available to help you go from nowhere to success, and where the owner of the site has a real interest in seeing you do well?

So now you know why you spend more and more money without actually finding out how to MAKE MONEY!

Let's put an end to this madness right now!

You only need ! One website. One Home Business with everything you need to succeed on the internet. Simple, eh?

Here is a partial list of what you will get...

You can sign up FREE, get a FREE Website, and test drive the program for as long as you want at absolutely no cost or obligation EVER.

A lucrative compensation plan. Tens of thousands of SFI's members are already receiving monthly commission checks, totaling over $3 MILLION dollars since July 1st.

SFI understands the Internet. SFI itself is totally database-driven which means that almost everything happens in real-time. From SFI's powerful central Admin site, there's online, real-time genealogies, plus numerous other tools to manage your business such as instant group messages via email.

Perfect for the "little guy." There are no group volume requirements. In fact, the toughest thing you ever have to do with SFI is give away free stuff.

Refer just three new members to SFI and you can automatically start earning a portion of EVERY sale...EVERY month...made by SFI's OVER 3.5 MILLION affiliates and members worldwide.

FREE 24-Hour Professional Consultation. Each SFI affiliate is assigned three leaders to provide free consultation and support.

The Internet is exploding worldwide. USA TODAY recently reported that over 170,000 new people are getting online every 24 hours. Many smart business people are becoming millionaires on the Internet. And this is just the beginning! With SFI you can grab your share.

Thanks to the Internet and SFI's smartly-designed infrastructure, your business expenses are minimal. You can contact thousands on the Internet via email, search engines, directories, free ads, etc. All free! No door to door sales. No postage. No printing. No brochures. No tapes. No videos. No long distance calls. Instant communication -- worldwide.

Don't know anything about marketing on the Internet? Included FREE when you sign up with SFI is an ongoing course in making money on the Internet. It's emailed to you FREE 1-2 times per month, plus there's also a Website of all the past lessons. EVEN IF YOU END UP DOING NOTHING WITH SFI, GET SIGNED UP AND GET THIS INVALUABLE COURSE!!!

FREE Co-op. SFI has provided over 700,000 of its affiliates with free leads. Join SFI now (for FREE) and you may start receiving free leads (leads that can add to your monthly commission check) within hours.

That just a small SAMPLING of the benefits the SFI program delivers. The best way to learn all about SFI is to sign up as an affiliate. There's no cost or obligation.


Copyright © Michel Richer

PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author’s resource box with live website link.


About the Author
Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of ( He is dedicated to helping you succeed on the Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid reputation in the industry. You can take a look at his website at: ( for Your Home Business Success !!!


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