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Organize Your Time

By Dirk Wagner
Posted Saturday, November 6, 2004

Most people want to start a home-based business to make more money to supplement their income. The issue though, is finding the time to make this happen.

Most people are busy, with family, an existing job, and the general feeling that there are not enough hours in a day.

However, extra time to start a home-based business project can almost always be found. It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favorite pastimes, like watching TV but if you become successful with your home-based business project, you will have all the time you want for doing whatever you want to do.

The first thing you need to do is take inventory of your daily schedule. What time do you wake up? Then step-by-step, list everything you do each day. Most people will find that they have about three hours each day that can be utilized in a more constructive or efficient manner. As noted above, you may have to give up a few television programs you watch, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Time management is about planning you're time efficiently, and following that plan effectively. Start by making a list of the things you want to accomplish the following day, each evening before you go to bed. Try to consolidate your trips to the grocery store with the pick up of your children for example.

Organize your trips to take care of as many tasks as possible while you're out of the house. Take stock of the time you spend standing around shooting the breeze with a friend or neighbour, or the time you spend talking on the telephone. Eliminate all that isn't absolutely necessary.

When you have chores to do around the house, set aside a specific time to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them. For example, just one hour a day devoted to laundry or dusting and vacuuming should be sufficient to make your household clean and liveable. Don't try to do a week's work in one day. Whether it's painting your house, fixing leaky faucets, or mowing your lawn and trimming your shrubs, do a part of it, or one particular job each day, and you'll be amazed at your progress.

Take care of all your mail and emails the day you receive it. Don't let those bills and letters pile up, or leave a potential client waiting for your reply to an email.

The important thing is to think of time as your most valuable asset, because it is. So organize! Decide what you have to do, and what you want to do. From there, it's just a matter of arranging priorities.

Once you start listing and planning what you want to do, and then carry out your plans, you'll find plenty of "extra time" for handling virtually any kind of home-based business project.

The secret of all successful people is simply that they are organized and do not waste time. These people wake up each morning ready to seize the day. You should be no different.

Review your own activities, and then see if you can't find a couple of extra hours in each day to devote to your home-based business.

You should plan your work the same as you have planned your regular day-to-day activities, on a time-efficient basis. Do what has to be done immediately. However, don't try to do what would normally take you a couple of days in an hour. Once again plan out what you have to accomplish, what you want to accomplish, and when you are going to get it done. Then get right on each project without procrastination.

Finally, and above all else, when you're organizing your time and your business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation. Be sure to schedule time when you and your family or significant other can be together. This is very important if you hope to be successful.

Taking inventory of the time you waste each day, and restructuring your activities into your money making venture is powerful stuff. It's a matter of managing your time more efficiently. It's really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot more, you will also find greater fulfillment in your life. Best of luck.

Copyright 2004 Dirk Wagner

About the Author
Dirk Wagner is CEO and owner of ( and the free, easy to install #1 home business toolbar with automated updates.A website dedicated to helping the home-based business entrepreneur start and succeed with there very own home-based business.


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