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Stealth Selling and Online Marketing

By George Papazoglou
Posted Wednesday, September 1, 2004

There's a hilarious yet so fruitful money-making formula, that can be deployed by anyone doing business on the Internet.

Your goal is to generate cash and abundance with your web site, but... you don't know how to prolifically endorse your affiliated products.

For the fact that I've heard numerous times, the substandard "objection", which is "What's Wrong with my Web Site?", let me share this amazing, simple and drastic "money-making formula".

Most entrepreneurs don't seem to be so good with "hard-selling" techniques, when it comes to promoting affiliate programs / products on the Internet.

Please note that the recommended methodology, is one (yet eloquent) way to market products, or affiliate programs on the Internet.

Here's a powerful strategy to boot:

Step #1: Do your Research...

In order to develop a solid selling strategy, you have to "meet" and "entrench" with your target market.

* Forums are the "perfect" place to conduct a research, before creating a marketing strategy - not for socialization purposes, *of course*!

Once you "virtually" meet your target audience, start "recording" their problems, concerns and inclinations.

Tip: Use Microsoft Access with tables if you want to do it the scientific way and merge several fields you consider representative.

Step #2: You are a "Solution Provider"

Now once you created a "Problem List", pinpoint your target market's problems, with identical solutions (remember; you are a Solution Provider).

Step #3: Become a Prospect Now!

This technique works so well, that even the Devil himself uses it (just satiric)...

In step #2, you already indentified the solutions, right Mr. Detective?

Now, once again, match the solutions you compiled with the appropriate products, which are a "perfect answer" for your prospects' hitches (problems).

Start researching for products online, with the parameters you've created.

These products must>>>

* Be solution-oriented. and

* Offer an affiliate program!

Now become a customer and *test* the customer service, the product and the entire company. Remember; it's your reputation on the line...

If you're satisfied with this company, join their affiliate program.

{ For tips on how to evaluate an affiliate marketing opportunity, see: ( }

Eventually, more ideas will "pop-up" out of the sudden about the entire, step-by-step "stealth selling strategy".

The company you'll be targeting must have a marketing plan, which you can capitalize for the "brainstorming idea- generation process".

Step #4: Develop a "Solution Web Site"

All you have to do, after you religiously followed the previous steps, is to create a web site, that is:

Rich in content (no sales pitches).
Offers a free newsletter.
>>> For a mailing-list system, go to: (
Expresses and Solves Problems.


You can entirely promote your affiliate programs using an autoresponder, or your newsletter - only. Don't confuse your visitors with the flea-market syndrome!

Hint: People tend to trust more authors who understand their problems and ease their lives with accurate solutions. Copywriters also inherit the prospects' buying behavior to craft alluring sales messages.

Step #5: Promote your Web Site, Like ClockWork!

Implement in your marketing mix search engines, newsletter ads, press releases (journalists adore Solution Providers!), strategic joint ventures, free ebooks, republishing rights, offline advertising (crucial that is) and every marketing method you feel comfortable with.

The entire conceptual is to present your online business as a Humanistic-Centered Solution Provider, not another hard-selling vendor.

This methodology is exemplified as "Stealth Selling", or "Under-the-radar selling".

~~ Laugh On Your Way to the Bank! ~~

At the time your prospective visitors identify with your beliefs and appreciate your solutions, online selling becomes an enjoyable occassion.

As you become entrenched in this methodology and entire marketing conceptual, watch your mailing list getting flooded with "red-hot" / fanatical prospects, who'd love to conducting business with you and, oh, eliminate your competition... automatically.

About The Author
George Papazoglou is the author behind, the "Secrets of the Mega Associates" eBook. ( URL: ( ) Author's web site: (


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