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The Niche of Doom – Internet Marketing

By Chris Brown
Posted Friday, August 20, 2004

When you first see yourself learning about earning an online income, or when you’ve made the decision to make money with internet marketing, it can seem impossible not to notice the articles and writings that go out of their way to warn you about the importance of avoiding the internet marketing niche.

This may draw you in even more, or perhaps you’re thinking that these authors are trying to prevent future competition. I’m not sure about either of these things, but I do know that no one knows the exact purpose for any given writing.

I think that many times, these authors are simply trying to get across a message that says “Use the knowledge that you have gained through your experiences in life.”

It doesn’t always make sense to take your time and learn about a new field or a new subject when you could jump right in and start selling what you know…

- BUT -

Sometimes it seems impossible not to.

Was it just me?

I was asking over and over if it was normal, the way a person can feel that irresistible magnetism towards this “Niche of Doom”. I found relief by answering “It’s ok to feel this way; this must be why the niche is saturated.” – This might be true.

I know that if you being to learn about the internet marketing niche, you will see an immense amount of information and competition; this is unavoidable.

A sticky niche…

Day after day I said to my self, “Why are you still reading about marketing marketing when you should be finding a niche related to your life passions; you should be finding a ‘need’ or ‘pain’ felt by some group or target audience that you already know inside and out.”, but no matter what I came up with, I was always led back to this sticky internet marketing niche.

I didn’t realize how much I was gaining from this experience.

Insider secrets are everywhere…

Just like the niche market of internet marketers is constantly growing, my knowledge about this magnetic subject was growing.

I learned to look past the ads that were screaming “make $10,000 this month”, and I began to actually put my knowledge to work for my online as and offline business ventures.

I clearly realized that the ‘insider secrets’ of so many sales letters and products that had come and gone were surrounding me; the countless forum posts and the myriad of great reading materials that I had consumed was compounding.

For me personally, the most fascinating secret of all was a simple one – something that should be jumping out at all of us – that voice inside had begun yelling “Be unique; be creative.”

Insider secrets are outside…

Imagine what it’s like to have the realization that everything people say about USP (unique selling position – unique sales perspective) is powerfully correct. Add to that, knowing that you have to build strong relationships with your partners, customers, and visitors. Now, throw on finding flexibility in your ability to go with what works and make changes for what doesn’t – This is the realization that ‘insider secrets’ are ‘outside the box’ – Insider secrets are everywhere as long as you have flexibility and creativity working on your team.

These kinds of thoughts and realizations really pulled me towards telling others about what I was learning; this knowledge was becoming organized in my mind and I was ready to let it flow.

Time to teach, Time to learn…

The little voice in my head kept saying “Share your new learnings”, so I began writing about my online experiences. With a background in helping people learn, I didn’t have the struggle of learning to write. So many people go through this.

My subscribers send me questions about writing; these are hard questions to answer. Usually, I tell them to write like they’re talking to a close friend, but no matter what, I always remind them that teaching is learning.

Assure your self that the process of writing will bring a much greater library of knowledge than the initial reading and research that leads the process of learning.

As you begin to share your learnings with other people you will realize that you are multiplying your knowledge through instructing others and writing.

I learned fascinating things from teaching and writing about this doomed niche, and I was able to see the truth about internet marketing – you’ve got to crawl before you can walk, and teaching is running.


I’ll wrap this up quick by reminding you to find a niche that you already have experience with – UNLESS – you’re driven to learn about something new and driven to become a knowledgeable expert on your subject.

If you’ve got that uncontrollable urge to learn and eventually teach people about a subject then don’t let anyone stop you. It’s your right to write.

About the Author
Chris Brown is the owner of – an informative site – dedicated to those of us who work from home and utilize internet marketing. Find home business opportunities, internet marketing knowledge and help from a straightforward friend that works from home, Don’t Delay. Break on through to (


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