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Things to Know If Your Marketing on the Internet

By Susan Dunn
Posted Wednesday, August 25, 2004

1. According to Nielson NetRatings, the US accounts for 29% of the global Internet access universe, Europe, 23%, Asia-Pacific, 13%, and Latin America, 2%.

2. The US still leads in web usage. As of May ’03, the number of sessions/visits per month for US individuals was 30 at home, 66 at work with 25 hours spent online. Figures for the UK: 23 sessions a month (home and work combined), average time spent, 11 hours. For Australia, 25 sessions per month (home and work combined), with 13 hours spent online.

3. Genex and Jupiter Research both report consumers will forego low prices and brand-preference if they have a poor online experience. 65% of the US Internet users surveyed said they won’t patronize a poorly design site even if it’s their favorite brand.

4. According to Pew Internet & American Life Project, 76% of Americans use the computer. The average American Internet user is young, white, employed, well-educated, wealthier, and suburban. Gender is balanced equally among Internet users. For instance, the highest percentage of users have a household income over $75k a year and some college.

5. 47% of all US users fall in the age range of 30-49.

6. When asked to describe what the Internet was like (meeting place, bank, peep show, library, shopping mall, school) 51% chose the term “library.”

7. 29% of online consumers are “both relatively high-spenders and inclined toward merchant loyalty,” says Jupiter Research, “so long as the merchant provides a positive online experience, including an easy-to-use Web site.”

8. “High or hidden shipping charges have led 44% of buyers to reduce their purchases at certain stores, and 36% of buyers have stopped buying because they have been required to register at certain stores.

9. According to Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Sweden has overtaken the US in terms of “e-readiness,” defined as “the extent to which a country’s business environment is ready for Internet-based commercial opportunities… Ranking is based on factors such as connectivity and technology infrastructure, business environment, consumer and business adoption, social and cultural infrastructure, and legal and policy environment and support services.” They attribute the downturn in the US economy for the new dominance by Scandinavian countries in particular.

10. 580 million people worldwide now have Internet access, as opposed to 563 million in the 3rd quarter of 2002. Leaders: The US posted the largest increase in number of adults, but as a percentage of population, Spain saw a 22% increase. Germany, the UK and Italy have the largest at-home Internet populations in Europe. Sweden, Hong Kong and the Netherlands and Australia have the most mature Internet markets. (Nielsen NetRating, 2003)

11. According to CyberAtlasInternet, a sample of e-commerce sites recorded a 72.5% failure rate. The week before Mother’s Day (2003), TeaLeaf analysts uncovered Web application errors in 75% of the gift, card, candy and flower sites they examined, with almost 65% attributed to user failure errors, which typically go undetected by site administrators.

About the Author
©Susan Dunn, Internet Marketing Coach, ( . Market research, web design, web critique, computer remote help, marketing plans and proposals, strategies that work. for free ezine and put “checklist” for subject line.


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