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Time Management And Organization For Online Marketers

By Shery Ma Belle Arrieta
Posted Monday, August 30, 2004

TIME DEMON. For online marketers, time is one of their most important assets -- time spent marketing and selling their products. But often, organizing information (i.e. ad copies, sales letters and contact addresses) and managing this information eat up much of online marketer's time. Precious time that could have otherwise been spent selling products and earning money.

LOSING MONEY. Every marketer's primary goal is to make a sale and earn profits. And in order to successfully sell and promote products,marketers must perform other marketing activities (i.e. write promotional material, update customer databases and search for prospects). But minutes spent organizing marketing information and searching are minutes spent on profit loss. So organizing and managing time actually causes online marketers to lose money.

KEEPING TRACK. One of the things marketers should do is keep track of all their marketing activities. Important data, such as ad copies, good articles, URLs, promotional ideas and more, should always be instantly accessible by marketers online. It is the time spent keeping track and organizing this info that keeps marketers from earning maximum profits online. The less time they have to keep track of all their marketing activities, the more time they can spend selling their products and earning profits.

So, how can online marketers manage their time and organize information successfully? Here are some tips:

SPECIAL FILE. Use a special file to store all promotional ideas. This file should be easily accessible every time it is needed. It is also a good idea to create and save an index of all ideas. This file should be located on your computer's hard drive, easily accessible and constantly backed up. Create a shortcut of this file on your desktop to allow quick access every time.

SAVING AD COPIES. Save all ad copies written and used in a special folder. Create a file within this folder containing the success rates of each ad copy. Again create a desktop shortcut.

MAKING PLANS AND LISTING SUCCESS. Make monthly, weekly and daily plans of marketing activities, including how much time is intended to spend on each task. Then make a short-list of all activities that brought in the most profit, making sure that these are included and given more priority in your next plan. Make these plans accessible by providing a desktop shortcut of this file.

MARKETING DIARY. Keep a daily diary of all marketing activities. This is a good way to store thoughts and insights on every marketing activity and can save time in the future on what marketing strategy works and what does not. Again, make this easily accessible with one click of the mouse.

PASSWORD FILE. Keep all passwords and interesting URLs on file.

ADDRESS BOOK. Use a special address book to keep contact information on all people who might be useful for future marketing activity.

STORING DATES AND MEETINGS. Always write and save all important dates and meetings. A marketer must always project a professional image, and punctuality is a big part of that image.

All of the above tips on time management and organization are based on the method that online marketers create separate files (in text) for each piece of information and store them in a folder (which can be labeled, "Marketing Notebook" on their hard drive). Although creating a marketing notebook on your hard drive already provides a level of organization, the "time management" aspect of using this method still does not save marketers time, especially when files becomes too numerous and information gets too hard to find.

EVERY ONLINE MARKETER'S SIDEKICK. Enter an on-line marketing notebook...a software designed to be every online marketer's virtual secretary and sidekick. Storing and organizing all information related to marketing activities will help squeeze every precious moment out of every marketer's time online.

A marketing notebook, such as the EasyNoter (, provides online marketers "centralized" information storage. A marketing notebook helps you organize all your time in an easy and efficient way; keeps track of all your marketing activities; stores important information and makes it easily accessible to you at a later date; and functions as a great marketing notebook.

THE PERFECT SOLUTION. A marketing notebook is truly every online marketer's perfect solution to solving the problem of time management and organization. The EasyNoter, one of today's leading marketing notebooks, lets online marketers manage their time and organize information the way they want it while making all information easily accessible. This nifty tool gives back an online marketer's most precious asset, enough time to concentrate on what they're really out to do, market and earn profits! Get your solution by going here:


About The Author
Shery Ma Belle Arrieta is an Officer of the Internet Musketeers, Inc. To receive more great articles join our merry band of Musketeers, marketing professionals one and all, as we work to return the values of truth, honesty, and integrity to the world of online marketing. Get straight-to- the-point practical articles that cover all marketing issues and all skills, from the novice to the expert, and great value freebies that will make your marketing life easier. Be educated and be challenged in each stimulating issue of The Internet Musketeers Newsletter. Visit us on-line at (


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