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Why Free Marketing Websites Are Not Enough...

By Dean Garrison
Posted Sunday, August 29, 2004

The Internet is like a vast jungle where millions of people are lost amidst the trees desperately seeking a guide. The cold hard fact is this: 95% OF ONLINE MARKETERS ARE NOT MAKING ANY MONEY BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Case in point. I have a friend who started his own network marketing company on the internet about 2-3 years ago. Within 6 months to a year he had 50,000 distributors... not bad. BUT!!! Would you believe that less than 1,000 of those 50,000 had ever purchased products from his company? That is a sad fact. We are talking about LESS THAN 2% of everyone who requested the FREE web page. It wasn't the cost either. His product was affordably priced at $15 and it was less than the cost advertised by his top competitors.

I, myself, have signed up for dozens of affiliate programs, mlms or other business opportunities over the internet and didn't even bother to advertise my free site. Why? Because as I was trying to learn to do this business I found very few people would tell me what to do.


The problem is simple. It's lack of training. When you join the average internet business you get one generic training message that says, "Here are two banners and the code you can use to link them. Here is a good signature file to use. Email all of your friends. End of training. Go make millions."

Most people don't know how to use html code to link banners even if they have their own web page. Keep in mind that lots of people are using point and click HTML editors. Much the same, some people don't know how to set up a signature file even if they wanted to use your great message. In many email client programs it is really tough to set up a signature file. Oh, and on that emailing friends thing... Sure it is a good method but some people just won't do it. And, even if they do, what happens when there are no more friends and relatives to send emails to? You've got to give your new affiliates a way to constantly find new prospects.

Furthermore, if that is the full extent of your training then you are missing the boat! There are dozens of techniques that you should be teaching these people, and if you are not then you had better start. Your income depends on it.


When we started our newest project we decided that we had to have an ongoing training system for our distributors and affiliates to follow. We decided that we couldn't count on their upline affiliates to do it-- WE HAD TO MAKE IT AUTOMATIC FOR ALL SIGN UPS AND MAKE IT AVAILABLE COMPANY WIDE. We decided to set up an autoresponder system that would send a daily training message for 30 days straight. Each day we send the new member 1-3 simple steps to take to build their business. By the end of 30 days the average distributor will have built a business that will eventually make them a minimum of $1000 a month part-time (if they followed our instructions). Please note that I said "eventually." We are not saying that they will be generating $1000 a month at the end of 30-days but they will have laid the proper ground work to get to that level very, very quickly.


There is no way to list everything here but let me give you several examples of what we are teaching our associates in their first 30 days:

*How to set up and market with signature files.
*How to effectively follow up with new affiliates and downline members.
*Listing in the top search engines.
*Listing in the top 7 "pay-per-click" search engines.
*How to list your web site on over 4,000,000 FREE ad sites.
*Where to find hundreds of ezines to advertise in.
*The benefits of opt-in email.
*Where to get 24-hour training from industry millionaires over the internet with FREEDOM RADIO.
*Where to get your ad in hundreds of newspapers for less than $1 each.
*How to responsibly build a business through discussion groups, news groups, bulletin boards and message boards.
*Where to get free training magazines from top industry publishers.
*How to use our site's "Tell A Friend" feature to build an immediate business.
*How to effectively use FFA pages (yes, there is a practical use).
*How to recruit other affiliates or product users in chat rooms.
*How to find 90,000 prospects instantly.
*How to write articles for FREE PUBLICITY in major ezines and print magazines.
*How to use reverse email to build your business.
*Where to find the top FREE and FEE based classified ad sites.
*How to write both online and offline classifieds.
*Why we believe our company's compensation plan is superior to most others.

As I said, the list could go on and on. The theme of this article is not really for me to brag on our system as much as to inspire you to develop your own. Right now as you are reading this you have sub-affiliates and downline members that just don't know what to do. I guarantee it! Use the above ideas to help you get started writing your own training sessions.


You can first set up a free autoresponder by visiting my friends at: ( They also have paid responders. The difference is whether or not you are willing to have advertising attached to your message. It's only about $15 a month to have a paid responder so use a paid responder if it is in your budget. After you set it up there are very good instructions for setting up an automatic system like the one we use. You can do it all online without having to have any programming knowledge.


I realize that most people don't have a clue as to how to develop their own system, so the best thing you can probably do is copy mine. I don't care, go ahead and do it!!! Just send a blank email to: This autoresponder is set up for people that are already on our team, but you are free to browse it and get ideas from it or customize it for your own group. If you use it I would appreciate a link at the bottom of your messages. OK? Just link to my main web site at: ( We offer lots of freebies that will build your business and the businesses of your affiliates too.


You are probably already thinking this, but... just in case you aren't. Right now you are probably struggling to bring in new affiliates. Those that you do bring in are probably setting around waiting for someone to tell them what to do. If you set up a training system like this one you can expect more people to get involved, and... Those that they bring in will get involved too. If you are in a 2-tier or multi level program this has some obvious benefits. But even in a single level affiliate program you will see rewards. You will build a group of people who will keep following you into other opportunities as they present themselves (possibly other affiliate programs or mlms). They will purchase products themselves because they are making money. Untrained people seldom purchase anything. Trained affiliates do (remember my friend's example of less than 2% of his members purchasing?). You will also gain a reputation as an internet trainer, and believe me THERE ARE VERY FEW REAL INTERNET TRAINERS!!! Oh yeah, there are a lot of people selling books out there but very few will work one-on-one with you. If you know of any, stick to them like glue!


If you are not the type of person that feels comfortable developing training materials and you don't want to copy mine, maybe you just want to look into joining our team. If so, just drop by my affiliate page at: ( and let's see if we might want to work together.


What if your downline or affiliate team would duplicate well enough to double just every month? You would have thousands of people under you in about 12-18 months. How big would your check be then? On the internet there are literally millions of people starting their own home businesses but very few people are teaching them how to duplicate with a proven system. Isn't it time that you gave them a step by step system to duplicate? If you do your earnings will go through the roof. YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK... I GUARANTEE IT!

About the Author
Dean Garrison is the publisher of Revolution Online which can be found at ( Stop by today for loads of freebies to help build your online or offline business. If you have a large organization (1000+ affiliates or downline members) and would like Dean and his partners to set up a FREE autoresponder system exclusively for your team, contact him directly at:


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