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12 Tips To Help You Turn Your Visitors Into Customers

By Ken Hill
Posted Thursday, July 15, 2004

1. Make buying your products hard to resist by giving away free bonuses for purchasing your product.

Your free bonuses can be ebooks you have the resell rights to, free one on one consulting, promotional resources, or anything else that you feel your visitors would find to be valuable.

2. Listen to your customers and incorporate the positive things they say about your product into your sales message.

3. Provide testimonials on your site from your happy customers. This will assure your visitors that your products will more than meet their expectations because your products have proven to successfully produce great results for other people.

When asking if you can publish your customers testimonials, ask if you may also include their name and website information along with their endorsement.

This will add more credibility to your testimonials and further decrease any resistance your visitors may have to your sales message.

4. Find out from your own sales statistics how well your products sell at different prices, using different promotions, or when offering different bonuses for purchasing your products.

Remember that underpricing your products is just as dangerous as overpricing them because if you price your products too low you run the risk of people not viewing them to be as valuable as they are.

5. Identity the key benefits your visitors will get by purchasing your product, and stress those benefits repeatedly in your copy.

6. Use subheadlines throughout your copy that grab your readers attention, that keep them reading through your sales message, and that stress the benefits of purchasing your product.

7. Assure your visitors that they have nothing to lose by purchasing from you, by offering them a strong money back guarantee.

8. Make customer service a top priority. Answer any questions your visitors or customers have about your products or services as quickly as possible.

If you have people working for you that are responsible for customer service, train them how to successfully deal with your visitors and customers in a friendly, professional way.

9. Show your visitors that you offer a high quality product by providing them with a free trial. This could be the first couple of chapters of an informational product, or a free trial version of a marketing resource or software product.

10. Use a call to action that directs your visitor to order from you, to start their free trial or whatever the next step is in your sales process.

11. Use a PS that stresses again the benefits of purchasing your product or that tells your visitor of a new added benefit such as a free bonus that your visitor will receive for buying your product.

12. Follow up with your visitors after they leave your site by providing free email courses or by publishing a newsletter.

This will keep people visiting your site and capture sales you wouldn't have made without a follow up system in place.

About the Author
Ken Hill publishes Net Promotion Marketer, full with internet marketing tips. Visit (


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